
4 years, 6 months ago


Ruby is a death spirit, in the same class as Reapers but less well known and somewhat less powerful. they're capable of killing with a touch, like a Reaper, but it drains them and especially makes their control  over their appearance weaken, revealing their wings and true tail. it's not a "last resort" type thing, but can be a significant annoyance on  the job, especially since they have to kill any witnesses; if it got out  that the Court had a death spirit working for them, there'd be public outcry.

9/10 times they'll probably be drawn with the fox tail bc most people don't ever see the true one.

Ruby is a bounty hunter. publicly, they are employed by the royal family  as one of their personal guards, but Ruby's actual purpose is to root  out plots against the country and prevent assassination attempts on the royals. they do sometimes take contracts on the side, but their first duty is to the court.