The Dullahan (unnamed)



4 years, 3 months ago


Male (he/him)/gay/22

The pastel punk boy is a dullahan and the demon is a demon. They are in a circus of monsters that hide in plain sight by just looking cool. These two have an act together which usually deals with the dullahan doing slapstick or jokes to the demon until he finally cuts off the dullahan's head. The red ribbon makes it look like a sash and the red smoke is weighted down by the dullahan breathing in a lot of heavy gas so it pools like fancy blood effects. 

The demon is kinda given a bad wrap. He is paraded kinda as a beast before and after the act. During the act, he usually takes the role of a sleeping beast or an animal the dullahan is trying to train. He is completely sentient and intelligent so it's all a big act. And honestly, he kinda likes snarly and scaring kids and being all showy with blood and gold chains. Their roles are the opposite when they are with each other with the demon being super dominant, instead of the dullahan tryna control him as he does on stage.

Dullahan was always the rage against the machine kind of kid. A trouble maker and cool kid punk. At 12 a circus came to town and he got a child crush on the demon, who was a bit younger than him. 10 years later the circus returns to town and he fucked off from home and law school to become a clown.