Hina's Comments

hey hina

do you think things will ever be good again, like in 2019?

back when i had pepole that i could hold on to? who geniuenly cared abt me? to whom i was irreplaceble?

back when i was able to enjoy the smallest and stupidest things?

back when i still stood any chances to the person i love?

back when i still believed in a better future?

i really wish i was treating pepole around me more fair back then

maybe id still have them now

im so fucking lonely

a fool who cant do anything without that one group of pepole around

i have no future

i know i wont graduate

my life is going to be a big, constant struggle in the upcoming years

i dont wanna do this

i dont know how much longer can i hold on like this

i just want to be happy again

i know you cant do anything

even though youre my very best friend, ur still fictional

yet i'd like to thank you

for being with me

this whole hard time

closer than anyone else

as the biggest comfort i've ever had

i wish you all the best </3