Duncan Sharwood



4 years, 2 months ago


Ser Duncan Sharwood


Duncan is an older man with a wrinkled but kind face, he seems to always wanting to be helping others no matter who they are. He walks with a heavy limp due to a bad hip but it doesn't seem to bother him all that much but just affects how he walks.

His accent seems to be one with a Lordaeron accent, he speaks properly but with a regular pace not wishing to confuse others with fast words. He has pure white hair tied back into a ponytail with a full beard. Piercing green eyes that are usually filled with kindess.


Duncan fought in the Third war as Paladin and healer, he was one to more follow orders than anything else. He doesn't see himself as much of a leader and prefers to follow others, he enjoys spending time with those he calls friends and is always willing to make new ones.


- Paladin of the Alliance

- Veteran of the Second, Third and Fourth Wars

- Knight of the Silver Hand

- Jouster of Lordaeron

- Temple Guard of the Stormwind Cathedral

- The Shield of Lordaeron


- Sign Language

- Darnassian

- Partially knows Thalassian

Medals & Commendations

- Medal of Mereldar - Given for participating in the rescue of Father Irwin Orrelius and Lady Cerirena Anchors from the hands of 'The Residuum of Icecrown.'

"My purpose is to protect, not to endanger.

To help, not to abandon.

To love, not to betray.

My path is for knowledge, not for power.

For fairness, not for spite.

For trust, not for deception.

The Light will guide me.

The Light is my ally."

Fear: To see this world overcome by darkness, that his son won't have a safe world to live in.

Desire: To see his wife again.