Benny Castillo



4 years, 2 months ago



Name Bennett Castillo
Nickname Benny, Ben, Benjamin
Age 40
Pronouns He/him
Height 5'10
Sexuality Gay
Relationship Status Taken
Pokemon Meganium

Benny is known amongst friends as very stubborn, determined, responsible but loving and light hearted most of the time. He's a very down to earth guy who tries to give good advice where he can. But he still also likes just sitting back smoking a lil weed and lazing around with his husband. Once he has a goal in mind though he will see it through. Also a lover of plants and thanks to a green thumb (haha) he has many impressive indoor and outdoor plants to show off.


  • Gardening
  • Edgy aesthetics
  • His fat evil dog
  • Managing people and things


  • Disorder/disorganization
  • Losing
  • Hospitals

More in depth

Benny was the leader of a Nuzlocke team (basically just went out and fought and the rules were so loose that if people died then oh well) That happened back in the 90s while he was still quite young and although he met so many close friends and even his husband through it, the challenge definitely left its scars on him. He felt responsible for the deaths that fell on many of his friends and it haunted him for years to come. He suffered for awhile but in more recent years he's feeling much more content and happier. Not that it's perfect but he's better off than he was.

Before he even became a father he definitely acted like one. From the 90s til now he always felt like he had to keep an eye on things and manage them and help people out. As a result he's got a very good sense of responsibility, often handling the more ADULT things in his household and can seem like a spoil sport on occasion. But not very often because honestly he loves to have fun and kinda be lighthearted and goofy and playful. He's got a spunky and competitive side too. He refuses to lose, so much so that his husband will some times hide the last piece of a puzzle and watch him go absolutely nuts trying to find it and finish the damn thing. Don't invite him to play games. He will passionately try to win and maybe get too rowdy during board games.

Additional info

  • Ages surprisingly well, doesn't really show his age too much on his face
  • May have a few scars but none really visible (unless I change that in the future)
  • Has a neck tattoo that actually covers a good portion of his neck, there are two pink big flowers mirroring each other on either side


☆Luke☆ [ Husband ]

Love of his life. They met back in the 90s and Benny slowly fell in love with him. They eventually got together and Benny had been waiting years for them to tie the knot. He loves his big dumb husband and often jokes he's keeping him alive but it's kind of true. Luke is his rock and has given him so much love and support. He returns the favor with his own unconditional love and support. (Belongs to Nickey)

☆Helios☆ [ Son ]

His pride and joy. Even though they met later in Helios' life, Benny proudly officially adopted him a few years back and now showers him with praise and love. He loves his son wholeheartedly and will definitely go into protective mode any time he's hurt. He's been trying to work through some emotional issues Helios struggles with and only hopes for his son to have a happy fulfilling life. (Belongs to Nickey)

☆His Team☆ [ There's many of them ]

He loves the team he lead back in the day and has tried to keep close bonds with all of them. They include: Minette, Bubs, Bean, Bastard, and Teagan. There were a few people who traveled with them: Chad, Ana, and Amanda. The latter he ended up staying close with and enjoys her whacky energy. Benny and Amanda like to get together and drink wine and gossip. Also any time she hosts a murder mystery party Benny is always in it to win it.

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