


4 years, 2 months ago


My sona! I have had this stinky yeen for SIX years now it's ridiculous, and she's very precious to me <33

(Have some scattered info since I can't nail down what she's like in a cohesive paragraph)

- Mizu is a certified dumbass, likely an arsonist, probably super gay, definitely a gamer, perhaps an enjoyer of weird aesthetics, and might bite you at some point

- Their name actually means water in Japanese for some reason. I genuinely have no fucking clue what spawned me to do that but yeah it stuck, I can’t really imagine calling them anything else!

- Feel free to draw them in practically any kind of clothes! I imagine their fashion sense would literally just be whatever they think is funny or cool lmao, I’m not great with custom clothing though so I would actually love if someone gave them more outfits XD

- Super nerd, a mega nerd, even. Will deny being a nerd. She hyperfixates on the weirdest niche shit though 😭😭

- He acts unbothered and chill usually, but will actually go to extreme lengths to people-please, usually at the expense of his own well-being.        

- They have nearly an endless supply of optimism, a deep love and respect for nature, and faith in the good of people.

- An absolute fucking mess of adhd and pure chaos too when let loose though, seriously don’t look away from him for a second he'll probably light your house on fire.

“Eggs are not meat what the FUCK” - Mizu 2019