Nova Esther



7 years, 7 months ago

Basic Info


Nova Esther


Stellar Stargazer






Name: Nova Esther
Full Title: Stellar Stargazer
Alignment: Celestial
Physical Age: 18
Actual Age: 18
Skill type: Stars and Space
Weapon('s): Mace/Small shield
Fighting Style: Nova's fighting style, when he does, Is incredibly reluctant and the fear is clearly apparent. Especially when fighting an Infernal. However once he realises that he has to, it's very concentrated. He has something of grace to it, despite having such clunky weapons. There is force behind his actions and he knows the consequence in holding back. 


   Shooting Star -
   Meteor Shower -

+Stars and space
+Stargazing (Better with friends)
+Talking about stars and space
+Hot chocolate

-Hauling his telescope
-Loosing him glasses
-His hair
-It's messy and he just can't seem to fix it
-Fighting anyone, including Astrals, why can't they all be friends?


  • Genuine
  • Kind
  • Gentle
  • Studious
  • Fearful
  • Pushover
  • Fanciful
Nova is a reserved Celestial. He expresses a gentle nature, but can easily get serious or intense if the situation requires it, or if he feels strongly about a subject. Nova doesn't particularly like conflict and will often try a gentle approach before he goes on the offensive, even if it may get him hurt. He believes strongly in loyalty and decency. Nova is polite and isn't one to be rude without reason. He has a genuine heart and the kindness to prove it, Nove always has the best for others in mind and his intentions are always good in nature. However because of such things he's a massive pushover and is a victim to being taken advantage of.  He spends a lot of his time daydreaming and looking out at stars, so he's kind of distant and clueless. 


 Eden Rosaceae - Nova and Eden became incredibly fast friends upon meeting. Really Nova didn't know that any of the Celestials could handle his ramblings, but Eden did so without showing the slightest bit of annoyance. He even seemed interested and asked questions! Needless to say that they have quite a bit in common, and Nova appreciates Eden for tolerating him on almost a daily basis. They're even something of study buddies, but it's more or less so that Eden can learn neat things about stars.
      Dual attack: Stella Fluctus -  A wave of light crashes upon it's foes.

 Percival Rhodason - Due to Nova's kind nature, he seems to have gained the attention of the Celestial prince. Of course Nova is a little nervous to have the attention of someone referred to as 'prince' and really doesn't know how to feel about it. But he's come to realise that Percival is generally a pretty nice guy. They go scouting a lot together if only because their views are similar and it takes the two of them to keep Isaac in line sometimes. Nova's not sure if they're really 'friends' so much as they are 'co-workers who get along', but he's hoping that some day they can get to that point.

 Isaac Partridge - Generally just afraid of in every sense of the word. Isaac is intense and has a blood lust that seemingly can't be quenched. Every now and then those eyes look at him with, what Nova can only describe as, a desire to murder. And if he's being honest that makes his anxiety go through the roof. This only seems to happen when he's being friendly with Percival and you would think that Nova would have put it together by now, but alas. Other than making Nova have the sudden urge to pack up and move to Alaska, there's not much to note.

 Cedric Bennett - Now someone might say that Nova took advantage of Cedric's cluelessness to kidnap him and teach him about stars and telescopes. However no matter how it looks, that wasn't the intention. Nova genuinely believes that the most important thing for the older Celestial to know is stars and everything about them. So he's going to make sure he does. Surprisingly, Cedric's a good listener and Nova can appreciate that. They get along for the most part. 

Theme/ transformation/battle: 
Theme: M2U x Nicode -Stellar

History: - 


   ◉ Owns no less than 20 snuggies.
   ◉ Will talk about stars and space and constellation stuff for hours unless you stop him.
   ◉ His favourite genre of music is metal.
   ◉ He's perfected the perfect hot chocolate.
   ◉ Nova is absolutely and 100% completely incapable of functioning without his glasses. It spooked the bejezus out of him when he realised he wasn't wearing glasses in his transformed form and could still see, in HD no less.
   ◉ Sometimes he transforms just to go stargazing with perfect eyesight.
   ◉ Owns just as many, if not more, sweater vests as he does snuggies.