Shiro ("The Keeper") πŸ’«




created 12/26/2019

[ inspired by darkrai on a technicality ]

* technically genderless (he/him)
* exists within the rewritten world
* he's a metaphysical representation of the memories ivy retained after her botched rewrite, he is Vaguely aware of some of the original world stuff that ivy isn't aware of... its kind of confusing
* was most likely created when ivy started figuring out she was an amnesiac, and the confusion in her head with her old and new memories, along with what they blurred into, resulted in shiro's creation

* reallyΒ doesn't like arc or the other members of infinity nation
* is aware of serv's reincarnation into tia, and that their two souls exist as one in the same body

* has a good sense of humor, knowing when to crack a joke
* protective of ivy and would legit kill a man for her

* honestly? he kinda gives me niiue cogdis energies