Kagetane Kagami



4 years, 6 months ago



"What did they aim for when they missed your heart?"
Name Kagetane Kagami
Other Names Kami
Species Human
Age 19
Gender female
Birthday 19th April
Orientation unknown
Occupation Serialkiller/Organ Seller
Residence unknown
Status alive
Design Notes
  • Kagami always wears twintails with transparent hair ties
  • Since she's living on the streets, she only wears the casual hoodie and boots
  • Under her hoodie she has bandages around her chest; she got stabbed there once
  • She owns some knives she hides inside of her hoodie
  • Most of the time she's covered with blood and dirt,,

Kagami is a really quiet and unprecidtable girl, who always does what's the best for her brother. Most of the time she doesn't care about herself much, which doesn't mean she hates herself. But her brother is always her first priotity. Most of the time she acts disinterested, until someone triggers her by touching her brother or Yagira. Then she might turn into the insane killer she became.

  • Kagami hates every kind of person and she never feels bad for killing them.
  • She hates Min-Kyu pretty much but always fails to kill her
  • She always kills the women that try to hit on her brother and anyone who touches him
  • She hides 3 knives inside of her hoodie
  • She can cook very good and learned it while she made food for Kyoku when there was a chance
  • Her voice is like E:U from Everglow
Knowing human anatomy very well
Thanks to her brother Kyoku, she learned a lot about anatomy of human beings and knows where to cut, so she can take out organs without damaging them. Of course she fails one or another time.
Fighting with knives
The years on the streets made her learn how to fight with knives.

Kagami was the second child of two doctors and hobby physicians. While her big brother Kyoku served for experiments and got one punishment after another, Kagami was the family-princess. She got whatever she wanted, but nobody was able to give her what she really wanted. As soon as she started realising the situation, she fell in love with her brother and always fought for his attention. She even ignored his punishments and brought him food or other stuff when their parents gave him any kind of prohibition.

Even though she was treated like a princess, she barely showed any kind of emotions. And she never felt them either. Only when it came to Kyoku. And she knew he hated her so much for being the favourite child, but honestly, she never gave up on him.

One night she woke up due to strange noises coming from the basement. Immediately she got worried about her brother and went downstairs to look for him, but what she saw were her parents. Dead. Instead of screaming, she just went over to her brother and she knew she would follow him wherever he would go. And so she did.

The first few weeks on the streets were hard for the princess-being, but she never tried to be a burden to her brother. Until one night, where she got kidnapped by perverts who tried to r*pe her. They ripped off her clothes. Before the worst could happen, she grabbed a knife and backstabbed the first; killed the second brutally. She stole a hoodie from one of them and swore to herself to never be weak again.

Now they're living on the streets and gain money by selling organs on the black market. Kyoku teached her everything about human anatomy, so she would be able to get out the organs without damaging them. She never needed to be the princess, she's just happy to be with him now and she wouldn't ever leave him willingly.

Sadly, at times, her brother just disappers early in the morning, without her. Most of the time she starts looking for him but she rarely succeeds. One day, while searching for her brother, she met Yagira, a weird boy that just looked like he was having heavy problems, especially because of drugs. She didn't know why, but apparently she kind of felt connected to him, so she talked to him. His weirdness only made her even more curious, so she started talking to him following hin around for some time. And she really started liking him a little.


Ever since they two met for the first time, Kagami kinda likes the weird boy. One would say she's even crushing on him. Kagami would protect him at all costs.


Kyoku is Kagami's older brother and she cherishes him a lot. Since she found out about having a brother when she was young, she did anything possible to be with him.


Min-Kyu can be seen as Kagami's worst enemy. Ever since the Korean started hanging out with her brother, she's kind of a disease in Kagami's eyes. Whenever there's a chance, Kagami tries to kill her.