


7 years, 7 months ago

Basic Info











Relationship Status



Ability: Infiltrator - The protections and stat boosts caused by the moves Substitute, Reflect, Light Screen and Safeguard by the opponent are ignored. 

    - Hurricane :iconflyingtypeplz:: The user attacks by wrapping its opponent in a fierce wind that flies up into the sky. It may also confuse the target.
    - Outrage :icondragontypeplz:: The user rampages and attacks for two to three turns. It then becomes confused, however.

[ Likes ]
    - Dancing/Performing
    - Children
    - Fruit

[ Dislikes ]
    - Sweets
    - Total Silence
    - Darkness

[ Personality ] Motherly | Mature | Distant | Taciturn

Ferrin has a bit of a mother-like persona. With people that are really close to her and with children, she tends to have this mother-like way that she acts with them. She treats them as if they were own child and dotes on them. She has this mature air about her. She doesn't really let things get to her easily, which is something she really needs when in the entertainment business. Ferrin can be quite distant at times. Even though she does enjoy the company of others, but with her constant moving around, she decided that it would be best to not get to close to people. She is not a very talkative person and prefers to show how she feels through actions rather than words.

[ History ]

As far back as she could remember,  Ferrin never knew how it felt to live in just one place. Being born into the life of a traveling troupe, they were never really in the same place for very long and always left as quickly as they arrived. They traveled all over Taiwan, touring the towns and giving performances. Being in this troupe, she taught various talents so that one day she could be integrated into the performance with everyone else. This is where she found her passion for dancing.

There is one town in particular that always had a special place in her heart. Unlike the other towns they stopped in, this stop was different for the other. Rather than staying her for a week like usual, they ended up staying for a few months. The heads of the troupe decided it was high time that they stopped for a little vacation and to find some new recruits to the team. This is where she met Usu-Akari, a clumsy little girl who quickly stole her heart and became the most important person in her life.

The last place she remembers being in was a small little town where they stopped in on the way to their next performance destination. This was that fateful day when the sky went black and everything seemed to disappear in a blink of an eye. All she heard was screaming and the panic of others. Things were falling from the sky, people were getting hurt, and buildings tumbling down. Staying close to her beloved, Ferrin watched in horror as the events unfolded. Paralyzed in fear, Ferrin failed to noticed the hurling rock that was coming right for them. Smacking right into the head of Akari, she stared in horror as the blood trickled down the girl's face. That was the last thing she saw before she blacked out.

Hearing her name, Ferrin slowly arose, rubbing her eyes. She looked around in a daze as many people surrounded her with tears in their eyes. It had been a couple of days after the incident and she had been unconscious the whole time. Happy to see her finally awake, her mother clung onto her in a tight embrace. Though she was happy to see that everyone was safe, there was only one person on her mind. Looking around at everyone that was around her, the one person she wanted to see the most wasn't there. Starting to panic now, Ferrin shot up and looked around desperately, not too far away from where she was, laid Akari. Running to her side, Ferrin desperately called out her name, but had no response. The people of the troupe explained to her how they had been trying to wake her up, but nothing ever worked. For days Ferrin stayed by her side, calling out her name waiting for her to wake up. Soon came the time for the troupe to head off to a new land (Pokimono). There was no hope for their land and it was time to start a new. Seeing that it seemed like Akari was never going to wake back up, they were all telling her to give up and move one. Ferrin didn't want to hear it and for awhile basically just shut them out. Right before they were going to leave, her mother came to and told her that this was her last chance to join them. At first Ferrin was going to decline and stay by her beloved's side until she woke up, but her hopes were slowly getting crushed. This is when she made a goal and promise to herself. Leaving with the rest of her troupe, she made it goal in life to find a way to wake up Akari and come back for her.

[ Additional Info ]
     - Whenever she is somewhere it's dead silent, she becomes extremely restless