


4 years, 3 months ago


Name:  Acmon

Species: Evoloon

Type:  Paradise

Gen: 1


Used upgrades:

Ear change - 20LM

Feathered wings - 2QP

Eye change - 1 month

shaped pupil - 20 GM

feline tail - 40 LM

fawn spots removed

Stone usage proof:…


1) More eyes (monster)

2) Fantasy teeth (monster)

3) Transparent skin (monster)

4) Bone Limb (monster)


1) halo (celestial)

2) glow (celestial)

3) unlimited body colour (basic)

4) head/rump wings (avian)

5) multiple wings (avian)

Unlocks: avian, aquatic, celestial(ancient bonus from jackal)

Birthday: 18 March , 2019

Love Magic:  214

Gift Magic: 43

Participation: 0 (+1 from Lochan's blessing)

Companions: toulon-



Previous Owners: N/A

Gender: predominantly male leaning, he/him preference
Personality quick list: smug, cocky, care-free, dismissive, mischievous, mellow

Personality deep dive:

Legend goes that Castor created Acmon from a storm cloud and a thirst for mischief.
The actual reality is that he's a foundling that Castor got attached to before she could get him to the hatchery.
He inherited his foster mother's distinct way of speaking - often in riddles or cryptic non-sequitors. He's more humourous about it though, more often sarcastic about his own nature than actually trying to play the part of the mysterious forest spirit the way Castor does.
He holds disdain for the larger troupe, empathizing more with his mother's outside perspective - and not really caring much for the idea of a large group family. He's been known to make trouble for them - pranking other loons his age and younger. Although he tends to 'punch up' more than Castor - and has become a bit of an omen of karma in the area since his targets are often those who exploited or manipulated others in the first place.
His will is fickle, though, sometimes he'll just trip up travellers or get them lost for kicks. Like Mother like Son.
Acmon is forever even-toned and unflappable - making him often appear apathetic. But he's a close listener, and not immune guilt. The right talking-to will scare him off from his antics eventually.

-Relationships to the other evoloons in the troupe-

+Demeter adores Acmon, despite him not actually liking her much at all. He's always trying to pull pranks on her, or intimidate her, but Demeter is usually just charmed and gives him snacks and gifs and sends him on his way. She likes his moxie, apparently.

+Acmon is Castor's protege, and the loon Castor is most protective of. She has difficulty showing affection, but is fiercely protective of him, and being raised by her seems to have given him a unique insight into her strange nature - and some of her bizarre abilities. He has a penchant for pranks just like her, but is a lot more empathetic about it. His presence and fondness for her has softened a lot of loons to Castor though, when they see how much he cares about her.

+Pollux is a bit wary of Acmon. Although she loves Castor, it's clear she has reservations about Castor raising a loon. She will try to impose some well-meaning advice and warnings on Acmon whenever possible, but he isn't always receptive and their relationship is strained.

+Edgar has a distant respect for Acmon. He treats Edgar a lot better than Castor ever did, and Edgar has made it a point to try and nurture Acmon's kinder streak in opposition to Castor's influence

+Acmon and Lochan have very little interaction - to the point where there's a legend about them being opposing forces of a sort, maybe even reflections of each other.

+If asked, Rhea would probably describe her relationship with Acmon as 'teeth grinding tolerance'. His bond with Rika has always frustrated her.

+Acmon and Andromeda actually have a fairly amicable relationship. Both tend to love word games and turns of phrase - and their conversations often become rhyming battles of wits that no one else can listen to with out groaning in agony at the pretentiousness

+Once, while they were young, Ophion and Acmon got into a brutal fight about Acmon's choice to continue living in the woods with Castor. Their relationship never recovered

+Acmon seems to have declared Doll to be under his protection for whatever reason. He refuses to mess with her and has somehow influenced Castor to act accordingly.

+Thena is actually very respectful towards Acmon, believing him to be a far more agreeable version of his mother. Acmon seems to sense her respect and clings to it a bit, a lot less wild and more reserved around Thena. As if he's cautious to not lose her good will, and grateful to be taken seriously with out judgement about his upbringing.

+Rika and Acmon are best of friends, with Rika acting somewhat more like the leader of the pair. They can often be found whispering up plans together

-Relation to loons in Brizo's Cirque-

+Brizo and Acmon have a friendly, well meaning rivalry. Although they tease each other relentlessly, both will defend the other at the drop of a hat if anyone else messes with them

+Sulfur can be quite snide towards Acmon. He's often the first to see through Acmon's mysterious act and call him flatly on his bullshit. To his credit, Acmon tends to take this in stride, and just accuses Sulfur of being no fun. 

-Relationships to Loons outside the troupe-