


4 years, 3 months ago


Nagai was a caretaker at a small temple hospice briar found during their travels back to civilization. She leaves to travel with them, growing closer, and deciding to stay with them once they reach the city. 

With all shes seen during her time at the hospice, shes calm in times of distress and knows how to calm others; stern though caring. She has a deep heart, though it can be hard to see under her cool demeanor. She is a pacifist, not caring for the old knight's occasionally violent methods, but sticks through to follow her friend and see where this path takes them both. 

[They didn't know what woke them at first, but it soon became apparent as their tired mind cleared a bit and took in the quick flutters of fabric and the slight squeak of the old mattress. Their companion's breath came fast, frantic and shaky, as if they weren't getting enough air. Panic. They rose from their place on the cushioned floor, a bit shaken, but fear soon dissipating at the sight before them. A nightmare. Briar was caught in the sheets, wrapped up in the blanket the hotel provided. Their thrashing had tangled them up, cocooning them, only enhancing whatever horror plagued their dreams. Now, nagai had seen their share of nightmares. People who came to the temple were usually looking for an escape, if not running away from something. But, they usually didn't disturb them, atleast not until after they woke up. A few too many bad wakings in their early years. But this was a bit different.

They crossed the small divide of worn wood. Briar's normally passive expression was screwed up in pain and panic. It must have been something bad. A tug on the trapped sheet didn't do much, not even disturbing the still struggling fik. It only hastened her resolve. Clunky paws could do little to grab the sheets, but they helped hold them still enough to grasp the offending fabric in their teeth and help manipulate them around to untangle them. It was enough to wake them and break the trance of the nightmare, briar flinging the rest off and scrambling away to the far corner of the small bed. It didn't take long for briar to recognize her, sinking to curl up and collect themself, still regaining control of their breathing. She let them, not moving to touch and keeping quiet. It wouldn't do to upset them more. They just needed a minute. If not for the tensing, nagai would have sworn they'd fallen asleep at a point. She settled for sitting and waiting. Briar still hadn't uncurled, but their breathing had evened out as they calmed. Moving slowly, nagai lifted themselves onto the bed, not touching them, but laying nearby. A little patience, and briar was at their side, curling into soft red fur. "Sorry."]