Sentinel of the Seventh Wood



4 years, 3 months ago


Wood you look at that!!🌲

A nameless god born in the heart of the forest. 

His body was originally that of a foolhardy young scientist who perished when he strayed too far into the deepest part of the forest and found himself forever lost beneath her canopy.

What was left of the scientist's wandering soul met the soul of another being lost to the woods, as ancient as the forest itself. These souls intertwined to create a new life. The resulting being has fragments of both personality traits and memories of the human who he once was and the ancient beast who protected the forest in eons past. Youthful and naive in some ways, but also infinitely wise and knowledgeable in other ways.

Spends most of his time wandering the border of the forest, warning away those who would harm her and guiding the innocent safely through her depths. Occasionally strays to the city that borders her western edge to stock up on supplies he cannot gather himself.

Surprisingly agile when he needs to be, but usually walks with a cane, as his legs are not very well suited for walking long distances.

Acts as an adoptive father for Isyle, and has raised her since she was left in the forest as a baby. It's honestly a miracle she survived to adulthood.