Mallory L. Read



4 years, 3 months ago

Basic Info

Full Name ||

Mallory Lilian Read | マロリー リリアン レアオド

Nickname(s) ||

Mally ; Dai Tou ; Micheal

Age & D.O.B ||

18 || March 19th 1964

Species & Noryoku ||

Human || Thunder Blitz (genso)

Grade & Club ||

3-B || Sports

Occupation(s) ||

Student ; Maid-Café employee

Orientation / Identity ||

Asexual ; Biromantic


"So, how about a night with Glitter, Tits, and Aliens?"

[ A party girl with a big interest in the universe and Aliens ]

She, together with her older Twin sister Barbie, lives alone with her their father, Gabriel, in a moderately sized
Apartment. She never really knew her mother as she left early in her life to be with a different family. She has 
always shown great interest in outer space and the existence of aliens and has always been a very social girl.
Her wild and outgoing personality has gained her a lot of friends but also people who speak badly about her.

  • She's skilled at skateboarding. It's one of her main hobbies, followed closely by Dancing and Searching for Alien Lifeforms.
  • She's fond of wearing revealing, comfy, and sporty clothing. She doesn't like wearing too much as it makes her feel 
    uncomfortable and hot, she prefers breezy, light clothing ... even in winter (She gets sick pretty quickly in winter).
  • She's pretty close to Kanon and later on Sun as well. She calls them both her Best Friends and goes to them if she 
    needs anything or has a weird idea she wants to try out. Later on, she shares a University Dorm room with Sun
    and they get into a lot of hijinks because of her. She calls Sun her "Alien Buddy" because he's the only one that goes 
    with her on her Alien searches and doesn't judge her for them. He actually has just as much fun as she does.
  • Her favorite colors are Orange, Yellow, Red, and Turquoise.
  • Her favorite foods are Korokke, Imoni, and Karume-yaki.