Tiancai Saitenshi



4 years, 3 months ago

Basic Info

Full Name ||

Tiancai Saitenshi | 甜菜 祭典死

Nickname(s) ||

Mon; TianTian

Pronouns ||

She / Her

Age & D.O.B ||

15 || July 14th, 1967

Grade & Club ||

3-1 || Art Club (and Ballet)

Species & Noryoku ||

Human || Kitsune

Occupation(s)) ||


Orientation / Identity ||

Asexual ; Aromantic


"Why are you talking to me...?"

[ A quiet and reserved girl ]

Together with Mitang she's the youngest of the Sairei Daughters and turned out to be the total opposite to 
Mitang at first glance. She's quiet, reserved and doesn't like when people talk to her or question her on things. 
She enjoys her alone time and doesn't really like it when people make jokes around her, especially when those
jokes are about her being "emotionless". Deep inside she's really sweet though and enjoys picking flowers with
Mitang, Yumao, and Mianhua or spending time with her little niece, Ling. She doesn't have many friends.

  • She didn't want to join a Club originally but her older Sisters, Ying and Mey, talked her into joining the Art Club and later the Ballet Lessons.
    She enjoys both a lot and is glad that she listened to her sisters, well, at least this time. They normally don't have good ideas like this.