


4 years, 3 months ago



22 . Female . Pansexual
  • Music
  • Video Games
  • Disney
  • Online Friends
  • Early Mornings
  • AFKs
  • Metronomes
  • Floods

Hey, my names Lee and I noticed you're new to the server! I'm one of the active members here and I hope I get to know you. Don't hesitate to tell me if somethings wrong or if you need anything at all!

What I like to do? Oh, well I'm a professional musician so I love to play the flute. But other then that I play a lot of League, BDO, and Stardew Valley. They're a good de-stresser... or stresser depending on the day haha!

How do I like it here? Well... these guys are amazing. I've come to love them with my whole heart. They always have my back and I hope they know I'll always have their's. Even though we're just online friends and we've never met in person I have never met anyone like any of them. I have no idea what I'd do if they were gone.

Well, I gotta go practice for a bit but I might be able to hang later for some League. See you then!