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Personality: Kallista is incredibly calm and relaxed. She doesn't really seem to react to anything particularly emotionally. She doesn't get angry often, and rarely shows her sadness or disappointment or anything very strongly. It's clear when she's happy from the smile and the tone in her voice, but she still acts calm.

She can be extremely sassy when she wants to be, and very snarky, and this is really the only way to be sure if she is angry or annoyed at anyone. She's very smooth with how she talks, and very confident and self-assured. Kallie tends to work alone, more because other people find her enerringly calm behaviour awkward rather than because she likes being alone.

She's very supportive of her friends, but because her voice is so consistent, and her snark doesn't show in her voice, it's often misinterpreted as her being sassy, which doesn't help her making friends.

Kallista is pretty flirty, but she's not obnoxious about it, and will stop if people don't seem to be actively interested in playing along with it. She likes spending time out in nature, particularly things like bird-watching or going for walks in the woods. Lounging around in the woods and getting to see things happening around her makes her happy. Kallie will also bring things to do alongside with her, like bringing something to read, or bringing along a pet to play with.

She's actually a big softy, and acts maternal to children or to small animals.

She rarely puts up protest about what's going on. She accepts things how they are, and, sure, she'll sass about them, but she's not going to go out of her way to complain. She'll take a hit to herself to help someone she considers a friend with no hesitation at all. She rarely acts to change things, because she is so calm about everything happening around her.

She likes doing art that fits into nature somehow, such as gardening, or tending to trees, or topiary shaping, or carving art into trees... But equally, wood-carving, or creating layered woodwork art Like these), or painting designs into wood.

She likes to explore and see new places. It's not ever from discontentment where she is, but just sheer curiosity about the sorts of plants and animals that could be found elsewhere.

She's very skilled at climbing, and likes climbing, too.

Where she grew up: Kallista grew up within a mangrove forest, with her family, far away from most other simas, and most other members of any sapient race. They lived very naturally, tending the forest, and looking after the plants and animals there. She grew up without access to the luxuries of outside life, and ate naturally what could be found there, taking a special liking for fruits over other types of food.

Because the floor of the forest was flooded so often for so much of it, Kallista had to become very good at climbing to avoid the water. She used to sleep entirely within trees, curled up close against her brother and her mum, when the ground was wet. It's not that she dislikes swimming or anything, but when there's lots of fruit to eat off the ground, and there's no chance of being woken up unhappily with wet fur and little warning of the need to start climbing!

Kallie had a twin brother, who she loves very much. Although she's left the home where she grew up, she still visits him often. He's very shy and refuses to leave his forest, but that's okay, because Kallie likes visiting. Her mum raised them singly, but their father visited regularly (with presents) so she does still know who he is. There was a small community of simas there, that they lived among, and Kallie only left out of curiosity about the outside world. She still spends lots of her time there, often a couple of months at a time, so she's not lost any of her closeness to her family.

Outside the forest there was a narrow strip of green land, and then desert for miles, so her family were living in the only place with plenty of food for a long way around.

It was a fairly dangerous place to grow up in some senses, with crocodiles and snakes and poison frogs, but the simas there were very used to that environment, and extremely well versed in what to look for and to spot to keep safe, and trained extensively both with powers and without to be as good as possible in defending themselves, each other, and their kids from anything dangerous.

Despite the dangers, it really was beautiful, with lots of animals Kallista insisted on befriending, and a wide variety of foods to eat.


Hair - common
Colored sclera - common
Standard jewel - common





