


4 years, 2 months ago



The Piercing Light

  • Name Xerxes
  • Age ??? (Looks and sounds youthful)
  • Height 6'1
  • Occupation Soldier/Protector
  • Sexuality Bisexual
  • Personality

    Xerxes is very spunky and headstrong, they always have something to say. Even in the most dire of situations they try to make the best of things and keep the mood light. They absolutely cherish those who are closest to them and would even put themself in immediate danger if it meant one of their friends would be safer.

    They use their mysterious powers to protect and defend their friends from malice and hatred. No matter the form, no matter the size, Xerxes is always there. Armed with a radiant blade, sharpened resolve, and indefatigable purpose, they will take on any challenge to defend their friends. Especially their dearest.

  • Appearance

    Xerxes bears the likeness of an anthropomorphic Coreid Nymph. Their face consists of two bright eyes with a pair of stubby amber-colored eyebrows above them and a set of two antennae that move to reflect their mood. Their 'carapace' takes on the form of a layered cloak with a high collar. The markings are intricate and multi-colored, using hues of navy blue, amber, and orange. The cloak tapers off into two wing-like sections near the bottom. Underneath, their body is mostly orange, with some navy stripes on their arms. Additionally, their hands are also navy with lighter fingers. The greaves Xerxes wears are navy as well, with the toepieces and kneepads bearing the lighter navy of their fingers. NOTE: THEY HAVE NO VISBLE MOUTH.

  • Likes Sparring, Doting on Mantex, Knitting
  • Dislikes Lying, Failure, Unkempt plants
  • Backstory

    There's not much to be said about Xerxes. It seems they keep their past mysterious on purpose. What is known about them, however, is that they're one of the only surviving members of a powerful race. The paracausal powers they wield are owed to their lineage, possibly the stars themselves.

    As for a domestic life, Xerxes had been living aboard the living vessel Mantex was for quite a while before they met. They act as a 'neighborhood watch' when there isn't any imminent external threat.

  • Mantex Boyfriend

    Mantex and Xerxes sport a budding relationship. They dote on each other quite a lot.

  • How does Xerxes eat without a mouth?

    It just kind of... works. Xerxes puts the food where the mouth would be, and eats. They can be seen chewing but it is unknown if there is anything underneath their face that would allow it.

  • What does Xerxes enjoy knitting the most?

    Sweaters and scarves, all the way.

  • Why does Xerxes love Mantex?

    Because they think Mantex is super cute and a load of fun to be around.

  • What kind of powers does Xerxes have?

    Limited flight, summoned blades, increased agility and mobility as well as the creation of radiant projectiles.

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