✧ Ellie's Comments

aahhshahdb I know I commented on another char but I like this one too— (and the other one you might not wanna have offered on hh)

how much are they worth? :”0

Price estimation is 600 DA points, 

But im open to art and oc offers more cause’ i dont use DA points very much any more.

ah ok!!

then maybe anyone from here: https://toyhou.se/Wolfie-The-Artist/characters/folder:700661/tags:1/extagged:n

or I could offer 100 dA points, 3 headshots, 2 fullbodies, and maybe a traditional fullbody? (shading and lighting can be added!!)

No design is speaking to me from the list, and i’m content on art for now.

Thank you for the offer none the less.

ah ok,, are you declining my offer or just accepting the art? 

Declining offer. Sorry

6 Replies