Mars - The Warrior Princess



4 years, 3 months ago


  • The warrior princess. Regarded by the ponies and creatures in her land as the Goddess of War. She’s Ares and Athena combined. She’s passionate and eager for a fight, but has learned to also be smart in battle and not rush in head first, as it cost her the life of a good friend and battle tactician long ago. She has a courageous heart, determined, and confident in her abilities, and expects her subjects to be confident in theirs as well. Their lands are not to be taken lightly. If you’re not strong, then be smart. And make sure your skill level can back up either category.

  • Mars is very just, she has a strong sense of justice and will fight for what she knows is right. She also very much likes the concept of Revenge and making sure that a death was not in vain. Most other ponies and creatures see Mars as a ruthless warrior, hot headed and dominant on the battlefield, and a stoic and just ruler off the battlefield. But, her guards and apprentices know that she is as passionate as she is ruthless, caring as she is just, and always wanting her subjects to be at their best. She believes in getting out there and doing, instead of sitting back and watching and praying things go okay. If she can, she will damn well escort a caravan from the main capital to any of the towns, cities, villages, whatever.

  • Mars is most often seen training her royal guard. Her guards will say she is a ruthless but effective teacher, and always knows when to push limits, and when to stop. Medics are highly valued.

  • Mars has taken on two Apprentices: Phobos (An Earth pony) and Deimos (A Bat Pony). Not many ponies know why she took them on as apprentices, but Mars decided to do so as a contingency plan of sorts. If she falls, the kingdom will need a capable leader in her wake.

  • She has a pet Timberwolf.