


4 years, 3 months ago


Key features Bleached blonde fading to black at the top. Parted long side bangs. Winged eyeliner make up. Sharp shark like teeth. Long vertical lips dividing her body from bottom lip to abdomen (sfw ver) or to the butt (nsfw ver).

Her and Donovan are going through a reboot of sorts. Most characteristics/dynamic remain in tact. Ask me if unsure! This is the latest design in terms of shape/proportion

Test Subject Name: Lilith No.8638

Lili may be seen by many as too spunky for her actual age with her upbeat facade. She has an obsession with trying to pass as human as possible, something she picked up when she escaped the facility and went into hiding, trying to blend in with humans. This extends to wanting to look beautiful and young with make up. Despite her wisdom collected through the harsh years as a test subject she’s naive to the outside world and often sees things with rose-tinted glasses thanks to her Nana's influence of soap opera and steamy romance fiction. She can appear oblivious to awkward situations she or others created unless directly confronted about it. Because of the nature of her conception she’s very sympathetic towards women especially younger girls as it reminds her of her sisters she left behind thus giving her this sense of protecting them . All the while being antagonistic to men (when not drooling over them) especially those in high authority.