Honey Duchess



4 years, 2 months ago


Loves flower Loves beesLoves tea
Terrified of bearsDislikes winter

- Has honeybee servents.

- Lives in hive mansion. 

- Assists queen bee with food management in winter.

The Honey Duchess serves the Queen Bee by helping manage honey stores and rationing out food when times are tough. She is most renowned for her various flavored meads and special flavored stores which she carefully handcrafts and then distributes back to the hive via various get togethers and celebrations. Making her beloved among the members of her hive.

She is also in charge of bringing up a select next generation of worker bees, who's sole duty to the hive will be to serve the Queen and assist the Duchess in the crafting of her meads and specialty honey. Under her charge they learn the medicinal properties of various plants, how to fuse them with honey, and how to lure in other pollinators at the end of the season to ensure crops of certain plants remain bountiful.