Zorya (and BABY): Teahouse/Inn



4 years, 3 months ago



  • Name: Zorya
  • Age: A lady doesn't tell, though to friends she's fond of quipping that she was "there when they invented sin."
  • Gender: Female (?)
  • Species: Zoroark (Shiny)
    • Note: Zorya's species is something she keeps quiet, going so far as to leave town for a bit once a generation and come back in a new, but "related" human guise.  For all intents and purposes, she is human.  Select citizens of Magie Village have been informed of her true nature.  Other, more perceptive ones, might suspect it.
    • As Zorya is a Pokemon, she is fluent in human and Poke-speech and can translate between the two.  She uses this most frequently when a resident Pokemon of Enchan-Té wants to strike a deal with a new potential trainer.
    • While she takes pains to maintain the illusion of being human, if pressed she will use her abilities to fight off an attacker.  Do not press her unless you want a Shadow Ball to the face.
  • Profession: Owner and Proprietress of Enchan-Té (an-shan-TAY), a teahouse on the edge of Magie Village.  Also lets room to staff and wandering trainers.
  • Vibe: Motherly | Experienced | Strong-Willed | Wry | Low Tolerance for Rudeness | Pampered | Likes Luxury
  • Pokemon Name: Baby
  • Location: Edge of Chanterelle Woods (back garden exits into woods)

Zorya is the welcoming, but firm, proprietress of the Enchan-Té teahouse found on the edge of Chanterelle Woods, just outside Magie Village.  The teahouse is located in what appears to be a dilapidated "painted lady"-style house that has been there for generations, always with a purple-haired proprietor or proprietress.  Those that are brave enough to enter find the inside clean, well-maintained, and warm, filled with the cozy scents of hot tea and freshly baked sweets.  The interior also seems to be quite a bit larger than the exterior would imply and is furnished as to suggest that the decorator's tastes are a century or two out of date.

Besides being a bustling teahouse, Enchan-Té serves as a shelter for wayward Pokemon, many from Chanterelle Woods.  Zorya has pointedly left the back fence off the garden behind Enchan-Té, leaving it open to the woods.  Pokemon who need a place to stay or are simply looking for company can wander in directly from the woods, free to enjoy the hospitality of Zorya's gardens or join Zorya and her crew inside the teahouse.  

Zorya remembers being without home and without companions and wishes it on no other being, Pokemon or otherwise.  Enchan-Té was born when Zorya, fed up with being without a Trainer and home, decided to take matters into her own paws, take human form, and be her own damn Trainer.  Of course, not all Pokemon are suited to this drastic of a solution, so Zorya takes steps to share her good fortune with her fellow beings.  Whether Enchan-Té's main goal is to house Pokemon or to sell tea is anyone's guess.

Because of the frequent presence of friendly Ghost and Dark-type Pokemon in her teahouse, Enchan-Té has become popular among Trainers who wish to find a companion of those types . . . while being avoided by the less daring as being "haunted."  It is not uncommon for Zorya to approach Trainers for a quiet word during their meals, inviting them to adopt a Pokemon who has taken a shine to them.  These Pokemon are sent home with their new Trainers with special Pokéballs of Zorya's devising.  Hopeful Trainers become regulars and bring toys and gifts for the resident Pokemon in hopes of sparking a friendship.  Zorya and the staff look kindly on these Trainers, often comping their food and drinks. 

Zorya believes strongly that kindness should be rewarded, but has no patience for bad behavior in her home.  The sweet-looking Baby is all too happy to literally scare off anyone who overstays their welcome.

Baby, a Gengar, has been with Zorya for some years now and is only apart from Zorya when running errands.  She is spoiled rotten by Zorya and the staff and enjoys the frilliest of bows and the biggest of scares.  She helps out in the teahouse by waiting tables, tasting pastries, throwing out jerks, and providing big sisterly love and care to the other Pokemon.
