


4 years, 3 months ago





December 16th

Mother:  Gryphon Spirit  Deity
Father's side -Human of barbarian tribe decent

5' 11"
Silvery Brown, long and straight, usually in a pony tail.


Fights with one or two blades or a bow and arrow.

Martial skills
Stealth fighter.  Can hold his own in a fight with extreme skill, but will tend to go in for a sneak attack.

Fire seared or smoked fish


Spiced Tea and cream




Lounging while tossing stuff (stones, cards, coins ect.) into a basket or bowl several feet away.





His Horse, a half wild white mare of particular loyalty and intelligence





anything moldy or spoiled


'Left over tea'  A tea served at work camps made from already used teas or random plants


Arena fighting


Any violent sadistic criminals. 




Hot and humid

Canyor is a mysterious figure.  He at best gives only scatterings of his past to most people and seems to know people in the oddest places.  
No one knows his history, family, or even his real age.  You could work with him for a month and at best find out he 'not from around here;' or 'from the south'  or some other obscure facts.  If you have the honor of meeting his friends, then asking about him will just get you lies.  
If he actually gives you any relevant information, then you know you're friends, in his own secretive way.   If he tells you his deepest secrets, then you have a powerful ally, no matter how much trouble you can get into.

He has a questionable lack of respect for law, though not a complete disregard for it.  If he feels some innocent person needs help and some rich selfish noble needs knocked down a peg he has no problem 'fixing' the situation.  He prefers handling problems without death, though will eliminate people who are a danger to others.

While on a mission to eliminate a 'traitor' Canyor was injured, unable to climb out of a crevasse into the caves he had chased his prey into he was found by Eloria when she went to investigate a frantic horse.

Character friendship Meme Eloria -Canyor

Pick two characters who are friends and have each ask the following questions.

How did you Meet?

Eloria:    His horse led me and Kaleb to a ravine where he was trapped.  We pulled him out, patched up his injured leg and gave him food.

Canyor:    I got into trouble while dealing with a rival.  I got myself injured an couldn't get out of a hole.  After a few days I see a lady and a fire mage dragon looking down at me.  Seemed like a bad situation at first. Lucky for me it was actually a last minute stroke of luck.

Did you become friends right away?  If not how long did it take?

Eloria:    He seemed a bit paranoid and on edge.  He really seemed to be watchful of Keenan.  Once he was on his way to healing up he started to be friendlier.  

Canyor:   No, not really.  I was kind of hanging out with her and putting up with her doctoring longer than necessary to figure out if her friend was going to be trouble or not.  Once it was clear he really was some teenage runaway from his tribe I decided they were okay.  

Any awkward moments when you first met?

Eloria:    When trying to go into town with him we seemed to get questioned a lot more than usual by one of the guards.  And the same guard seemed to stop and talk to me a lot more when ever I was out running errands.  And Canyor just kept claiming the guy was a former friend of his family.

Canyor:   I was in a ravine on the verge of becoming half dead from infection and hunger.  And she had a dragon with her.  That was pretty awkward to say the least.

Do you get along with their family?

Eloria:    The people he calls family seem to really like me.  A few times they almost act like they want to kidnap me and make me stay with them.

Canyor: I never met her tribe.  I guess you can count Keenan as her family, and we get along half the time.

Do you get along with their other friends?  Any good or bad incidents?

  Eloria:    Some of his friends are down right friendly, others seem to fall more under the category he calls 'necessary  work acquaintance'.  Those people I don't seem to trust me very much.  Or may even hate me.

Canyor: I get along with them more or less.  The less paranoid ones -more. The ones who are law abiding citizens -less.  I think Gair has it out for me.

How often are you welcome in their home?

Eloria:  He invite me to wherever he's staying a lot of times.  Though sometimes he has gone out of his way to keep me away from people visiting him.  

Canyor: Well, there homes are inns and campsites.  She tends to be pretty welcoming and willing to offer food.

Do they ask for favors?  What kind?

Eloria:    He seems to like asking me to make tea with rose and honey.  I don't mind at all, but I can't help but think it's actually connected to a joke.  And I don't know what it is.

Canyor: She asks me to go with her to markets in some of the harsher areas.  Or to go with Keenan when he's running an errand.  I prefer the first.

How do you feel about helping them?

 Eloria:    I don't mind at all really.  

Canyor: I really have no problem helping her.  

Have they ever done anything to really hurt your feelings?

Eloria:    He has a tendency to make snide comments that can be taken the wrong way or don't always sound like jokes.  He also can insult my friends and be very serious about it which I don't like.

Canyor: If you insult her friends, then she can really be mean.

Have they done anything to scare you?

Eloria:    He acted like he was going to pull a weapon on Gair, but we diffused the situation.

Canyor:   I thought she'd turned me into the guards.  Turns out she's friends with a lot of people.

What's the first, best and worst gifts they ever gave you?

Eloria:    His first gift was getting back my backpack that was stolen.  His best gift was a feather hair pin.  The worst was a really weird book that while needed, I never want to read see again.  

Canyor:  Well, the first gifts was all the first aid supplies they patched me up with.  I thought that was the greatest thing ever.  The worst was a beer and turnip stew.  Something me and Keenan agree is not her best dish.   

What's the craziest thing you've done together?

Eloria:    Babysat some baby gryphons.  They are cute, cuddly and have no concept of how fragile humans are.

Canyor:   I went with her to help a guy that may want to arrest me.

Do you discuss important things?

Eloria:    If I bring it up.  Though if it's about him theirs a fifty-fifty chance that he get's difficult.

Canyor:   We've talked over some pretty important stuff together.  

Have you ever broke the law together?

Eloria:    He's an expert thief.  I think whenever I hang out with him I'm aiding and abetting.

Canyor:   I'm usually the one who is breaking the law.  Unless the law is already horribly broken.

Do they ever try to compete with you?

Eloria:    No, not really.

Canyor:   She's not the most competitive. SHe usually competes with herself.

Can you always trust them?

Eloria:    Mostly.  He's a bit to crafty and secretive but he never has bad intentions for me.

Canyor:   She is highly trustworthy.  As much as you can get.

Are they always honest with you?

Eloria:   I highly doubt that.  He seems to get into a lot of trouble, and he sometimes says whatever he thinks will stop him or others getting into more trouble.

Canyor:   She's one of the most honest people I know.  You really have to be a jerk or a threat to make her lie to you.

What do you consider their best qualities as a friend?

Eloria:    He'll literally go through the worst trouble to help with a problem.  The fact that's sometimes not legal means that can sometimes be his worst quality as well.

Canyor:  Her unwavering care over whether people are hurt, sick or hungry and her willingness to do something about it.

Have you ever gotten drunk together?

Eloria: No, I did see him get a bit into his cups when he drank something that was a lot stronger than we thought.  He said some really odd stuff.

Canyor:  No . . . it was embarrassingly one sided.

Have either of you looked after the other during illness?  If so how bad was it?

Eloria:    He wouldn't leave when I was running a fever once.  He has a rather nice bedside manner.  And he can make some really nice soups.

Canyor:  She has taken care of me through injury, poisoning and being drunk.

Have they ever borrowed anything or vice versa?  Ever not returned anything?

Eloria:    For all his kleptomaniac ways he seems to be very good about returning my tools and books.  Granted I don't always know he borrowed them until he returns them, but he always returns them.

Canyor:  She's very responsible with other people's things.

Have they ever introduced you to another friend?  How'd it go?

Eloria:    He introduced me to his friends in the city and at the people at the Night Gryphon farms.  They all seemed nice.  Some were eccentric but not many were mean.

Canyor:  A few of her friends are guards and knights.  I am not the best person to be comfortable meeting them.  Her bard friend is hilarious though.

Have you ever done good deeds for others together?

Eloria:    Yes, he seems to have a thing about helping the lower class in town.  

Canyor:  She's the best person to help when you're feeling charitable.

Have they ever forgotten your birthday?

Eloria:    No.  He has a great memory.

Canyor:  I never told her my birthday.

Have they ever taken you somewhere and left you?

Eloria:    No.  That would just be odd.

Canyor:  No, I never had a situation for that to happen.  Other peole have ditched me but not Eloria.

Have they ever physically hurt you? 

Eloria:    No, never.

Canyor:  Some of her first aid was not very fun, but I guess that was my fault for getting hurt more than hers.

Have they ever blackmailed or threatened you?

Eloria:    He's threatened many people but never me to my memory.

Canyor:  When you don't listen after she patches you up she can get scary.  Don't make the people you use as a medic mad.

Have they done anything seriously wrong?

Eloria:    Yes, he seems to have an issue with taking the law into his own hands and stealing.  Granted he lives in a town of questionable government, but still he enjoys breaking the law a bit much.

Canyor:  No, not that I find to be wrong.  Compared to most people I know she an angel.

Do they have any annoying habits? 

  Eloria:    Coming into possession of other peoples belongings.

Canyor:  He nail picking.  Not that I care, but she get's so embarrassed by it that it's hard to miss.

Do they call you by a nickname?

Eloria:    Elly,

Canyor:  She makes jokes but doesn't have any solid nickname she calls me.