


7 years, 7 months ago

Basic Info


Quirinia (key-REE-nia)




Appears young, around 16 but is actually 209





Magic Type

Primary: Curses | Secondary: Fire


•°o.O   Q U I R I N I A   O.o°•

❝ I'll curse you to oblivion if you annoy me one more time. ❞

║P e r s o n a l i t y║

Petty ─ Unpredictable ─ Moody ─ Perceptive ─ Educated

While she usually appears very cheerful and upbeat, any little thing can annoy her and set her off. Pointing out her small stature and very young appearance is a very swift way to get turned into a pill bug. Eventhough she specializes in curses, she doesn't consider herself to be evil. She was just born gifted at cursing others and that's all there is to it. 

Quirinia also can hold a grudge and being an immortal elf she can hold that same grudge for a very long time. She has become widely known for this among the humans and it's one of the many reasons why they tread so carefully around her and work so hard to keep her pleased; if they ever want to ask her for a favor they want to be in her good graces.

Despite being so moody and volatile, she has her moments of graceful wisdom that show her true age of 209 years. Many people forget that Quirinia is many times older than she looks and despite how petty she can be, she is very knowledgeable in her field of magic, one of the top experts in fact when it comes to curses.


B a c k g r o u n d

The day Quirinia decided to be a witch was the day her parents mourned. Among the elven community, being a witch was shameful and disgusting and to have one in the family was downright horrifying. Of course Quirinia knew this when she made her decision and before her parents could publicly disown her, she left of her own volition and never looked back. 

She traveled to the human lands and settled there, not because they loved witches but because they didn't completely and outrightly shun and hate her. They were wary of her of course, but the brave ones (or perhaps foolish) always found themselves at her doorstep asking for curses on their enemies (sometimes their friends), magical healing potions and all sorts of other things both reasonable and not. It was a way for her to make a living and also do research on what potions and spells worked and which ones didn't.

Quirinia doesn't stay in one place for too long, prefering to start fresh every 5 years at the maximum. Sometimes if a spell went horribly wrong she would have to leave sooner than planned but as she has gained more experience over the years, the number of failed spells has also decreased.