
Basic Details

Name: Sakuya Kylosov

Age: 20

Gender: Female

Race: Mermaid

Birthday: September 1st

Sexual Preference: Straight

Dominant Hand: Right



Body Type: Banana

Height: 6’ 4”

Weight: 235lbs

Blood Type: A+

Skin Color: Caucasian

Eye Colors: Purple

Hair Color: Brunette

Tail Color: Red

Scale Color: Red

Fins Color: Light Red

Bust Size: A


Skills and Personality

Skills: Swordfighting

Powers: None

Fighting Style: Curved Sword

Story: Born in Aquinous, she mainly lived in a poor household and grew up in a not so kind neighborhood. Sakuya had to be strong when growing up or she would have a target on her back indicating to others that she was easy pickings. She even had to control her emotions while looking and acting tough when encountering some of the bad apples around town, which was not easy to do when she was little. As she grew up, she actively started resenting the Ancestral Ambassadors, seeing them as relics hogging money for themselves while she watched her town deteriorate in both looks and overall businesses, which made it harder for her family to earn a living and get home on time. By the time they started reinventing the poor districts of the kingdom thanks to the votes of the Elected Ambassadors and the Heads of the Branches, she was 16 and already lost her father due to getting sick and no hospitals were nearby and cheap enough for them to help. The reinventing of her town did make her think about the people that voted for it, but also the people affected before and after the new look of the place; with her strength and strong-mind, she signed up for the military and was able to become a mid-ranked person by the time she was 18. She became a commander when she was 20 due to involvements and quick decision making during skirmishes with bandits and invading pockets of soldiers. She’s more well-known to the privates as she usually spars with them.

Personality: She’s honest but often sounds strict with her honesty, making her come off as a no nonsense kind of commander. She is also quite intelligent, often giving good advice if she sees a battle plan going in a rather poor direction.

Flaws: Her greatest flaw is her distaste for the royalty, the Ancestral Ambassadors, the princesses, kings and queens in an era she thinks their useless in. Her anger is often visible and had to keep under control when she spots one, ready to go into a fist fight most of the time when she sees one. She also has a hard time letting her guard down, letting people into her personal life while focusing on her professional and military life. She often comes off as too aggressive or too stressed out, massages and some meditations help but it’s usually never a long-term fix for her.


Family and Love

Family members (Parents, siblings): Father, Mother, 1 Sibling

Family member (Others): N/A

Love Status: Single



Birthplace: Aquinous

Currently living: Aquinous

Wishing to go to: N/A

Working at: Aquinous Military

Job: Commander

Dream Job: N/A


Likes and Dislikes

Loves: Feeling stronger, even by a little bit, everyday

Likes: A good sparring session

Favorite Food: A Medium-Well Steak

Favorite Drink: Mango Dragon Fruit Summer Smoothie

Hated Drink: A drink stained with poison

Hated Food: Cheap Rations

Dislikes: Royalty that looks above the lower classes

Fears: Pure Darkness in times of sickness