Maxime Roux



4 years, 2 months ago


Higher Strigoi → Nosferatu

Female! however she doesn't mind if she's been taken for a guy, she'll explain. boobies vanish after a while as strigoi... poor max.

is a tattoo/piercing artist and works in a small store - takes night shifts of course

scary looking but a completly soft sweetheart

usually smiles or grins - not the most beautiful smile but a very honest one

no hair at all

mixes blood with energy drinks or coffee and tries to stay awake during the day so she can meet with her bff Jaqueline who is a cook and usually busy working in her streetfood stall.

lives in Neo Asia in a very small flat in the "slums"

takes blood as payment if the customer is fine with it (via a cannula) - need to get food from somewhere, right?

likes babies a lot but they are always scared of her. :(

has a sweet collection of hats and sunglasses