Fang of the Forest



4 years, 1 month ago


Name [Fang of the Forest]
Age [54]
D.O.B [---]
Gender[cis female]
Species [Firbolg/Human]
Build [beefy]
Height [8'5]
Weight [375lbs]
Orientation [bisexual]
Location [with party]
Origin[Uljhem, Marauding Wilds]
Language [see sheet]
JOb [---]
♡ Status [single]
♡ Partner [---]
Alliance [Ulfaersi Tribe, Party]
Religion [Ehlonna, Balinor]
honest to a fault
savior complex
socially inept


   bimbo <3


Mother was a human noblewoman from chemrich. Enjoyed horseback riding and sticking her nose where it didn't belong. Her father set her up to have an arranged marriage with another wealthy noble man known for shady politics and being a wealthy asshole. She ran away on their wedding night, stealing one of the horses and leaving the city.

After about a week she had found herself in the Marauding wilds, where she insisted to herself that she would survive on her own, away from the society that had tried to confine her. But she had basically no idea how to actually survive. She was found collapsed from hunger on the ground by a group of hunters from the Ulfaersi clan.

They brought her back to their home and nursed her back to health (while also keeping her prisioner, because fuck humans). They didn't want to take her in, believing it was a trap set by city-dwellers. But she proved herself innocent and soon became a beloved member of the tribe, and fell in love with He Who Hunts the Bear, one of her saviors.

Several years later they bore a child together. However, she did not survive the birth.

Growing Up

Fang, beginning as Little Opossum, took almost entirely after her mother in terms of personality. She was strong willed, curious, and wouldn't take no for an answer. She was a natural leader, loud, and headstrong. Many adults of the clan found it amusing until she began to lie; something that the firbolg cannot. The elders found this behavior extremely troubling and sought out to punish it. However, her father was much too soft on her, and seemed entirely helpless.

She was a social butterfly, and made friends quickly. After a run-in with an owlbear (that was fang's idea to explore the den), she quickly forced herself into a protective role and justified her bossy behavior with protecting her friends. However, after that incident, she began to redirect her energy towards improving her physical strength and social status within the clan. Her personality was still prickly, but she was slowly beginning to grow out of her childish tendendies.

Around her late teens she was becoming frustrated with the fact that most of her peers who had sought out to become bonded to a direwolf already had, meanwhile fang had no luck.

After she had bonded with Bramble, she received a new name along with a new boost of self-esteem.

Young Adult

As years past, she further established herself as a respected member of the clan and protector of the territory.

Not everything could remain peaceful, of course.

Slowly, but progressively, animals and other forest creatures were becoming "corrupted" with what the Ulfaersi called the Maugdod, or "evil death." Their blood would become black, extremities darken, eyes go black, and they would relentlessly kill and destroy all life around them. At first they worried it was only a sickness, but as it began to progress and mutate, affect more creatures and overtake stronger beings the clan began to fear for the greater good.

The clan sent several parties over the years, slowly learning more and more about it, but never enough. Several members came back severely injured or worse. Those who had been affected with this "sickness" lost their minds, eyes gone black and turned to relentless killers. After a surge in Maugdod in the recent months, Fang volunteered herself to go investigate with anyone else who was willing.

She Who Howls with Pride (fang), Sage of Moonbells, Eyes of the Owlbear and He who Hunts the Bear set out to find the source of the "disease" and hopefully put a stop to it. The further they travelled to the source, an area that the clan called the "Kdomur," the more warped and decayed the land became, and the more dangerous the creatures became. Before ever finding the "source" the group was confronted by a massive, twisted and corrupted creature; what looked liked the body of a direwolf with far too many eyes, limbs and heads to be normal. This creature called several more smaller, but distorted companions and easily decimated the party. Eyes of the Owlbear was taken down quickly. Fang was severely injured, and Sage of Moonbells was no where in sight. The "leader" hadn't even a scratch, deciding to leave the party to its "pack." The only ones left standing were She who Howls with Pride and He who Hunts the Bear; Sage of Moonbells had dissapeared in the chaos. But Fang's fight was not over. She watched as the form of her father contort into something monstrous and begin to attack her. She was left with no choice but to kill him.

After that fight, she couldn't bring herself to face her clan. She returned quietly in the night, masking her scent and presence with magic. She left a message to the leader; telling the clan a half-truth; that a demon had killed everyone but her, and she vowed to not return until she had answers and revenge, but would send messages of her journey. She justified her journey into the world of the city-dwellers with her human blood; she would be able to "blend in" socially, lie, and have a shot at finding an answer from somewhere outside of the forest. Of course, the lies she told were not only to others; but mostly to herself.

- What are your character's goals?
- save the forest from the curse.
- Who are some notable people in your character's backstory (Enemies, friends, family, etc)?
- Father (dead) (He who hunts the bear)
- Mother (dead) Owande Jhorsvell
- Friend (missing) (Sage of moonbells)
- Friend (dead) (Eyes of the owlbear)
- What are some notable places in your character's backstory? (You can make these up and I can implement them into the world)
- Uljhem - main village / location of the tribe. a small clearing (enough for the village) surrounded by a strong thicket of trees

- Kdomur - the supposed "source" of the "corruption"

- What would make your character the happiest?
- saving da forest
- What are some of your character's flaws?
- social ineptitude with non forest creachers
- savior complex
- stubborn
- What is your character's greatest fear?
- social isolation/rejection
- What is something your character would regret not doing before they died?
- saving the forest
- What is your character's reasoning for joining the party?
- she believes the party and her's goals are aligned, and that the members can help her save the forest and (morally) will
- What is a secret of your character?
-  the one she had to kill was her father, she broke her tribes code by killing a direwolf (assumably-- referencing the corrupted ones), and now she is Very Ashamed of herself and rip self esteem :)
- Anything else I should  know about your character?
- she Bigg. she soft. great hugs (smaller than most firbolgs tho cus of human heritage!)
- has firbolg code tattooed on the back of her neck / between her shoulder blades
- she is a suprisingly good singer

He Who Hunts the Bear | Father

[Deceased] A close friend. A mentor. Fang recalls many sols spent with him and many moons. She remembers him as a kind, forgiving friend who would always put the needs of others above his own.

Owande Jhorsvell | Mother

[Deceased] Died in childbirth. She didn't know much about her, only hearing tales of her bravery and courage.

Sage of Moonbells | Close Friend

[?] A sweet, shy firbolg who followed fang around like a shadow. As they grew older, sage developed feelings for her, but never had the courage to say anything before the incident. She was training to become a healer of the clan, and had an EXTREMELY large, white direwolf named Snow. Many questioned weather it was actually a winter wolf, but no one could confirm it. 

Eyes of the Owlbear | Friend

[Deceased] A very smart, sassy firbolg who would keep Fang on a tight leash. While they got into petty spats regularly, they both cared for eachother and would go to great lengths for one another. He had a grey-brown direwolf named Oak and was training to be an apothecary.

Trissa Scuttlehug | Friend

Considers her a friend, and appreciates the help she gave her. Wishes to visit more often, and worries about her with the recent events unfolding.

Hope | Friend

Fang misses him very much, and feels a little lost without him. She considers him a close friend and a mentor of sorts. Every time she enters a library or needs to search for academic knowledge, she thinks about him, and wishes him well. While sad that he isn't here, she understands the deep connections of family he has.

Saintly | Friend

While their relationship isn't amazingly close, Fang considers her a friend and worries deeply about her. She doesn't blame her for what Zephyr did, but worries her self-deprecating tendencies will get to her. She also struggles with communicating with her, and the culture barrier between them seems very different. Fang worries constantly that she is scaring saintly or upsetting/offending her, and wants to be closer.

Winds of Change | Friend

Fang thoroughly enjoys Wind's company no matter in what way. She would really like to get to know her better, because despite being in life-or-death situations together, she feels like Wind is wrapped in layers of mystery. She finds the tales of her homeland fascinating and would love to visit with her one day.

Cecil | Friend

Wary at first, Fang considers Cecil a friend now. She thinks he's pretty funny and somehow reminds her of hope (LOL). She's glad to have another social butterfly in the party who can actually talk to people. However, she is slightly concerned with how willing he is to tell about the party's dangerous adventures, and thinks he may not be being entirely honest with the party. 

Name | test

Sed vehicula tempus justo, fringilla efficitur nulla laoreet vitae. Ut nisi libero, laoreet ac ex a, condimentum laoreet dui.

Name | test

Sed vehicula tempus justo, fringilla efficitur nulla laoreet vitae. Ut nisi libero, laoreet ac ex a, condimentum laoreet dui.

Name | test

Sed vehicula tempus justo, fringilla efficitur nulla laoreet vitae. Ut nisi libero, laoreet ac ex a, condimentum laoreet dui.

chocolateSurfaces that are Too Smooth. Ew.
  • suprisingly good singer but has two left feet
  • gives the BEST and SOFTEST HUGS!!! generally hugs people as a greeting (though now she understands Handshake)
  • Direwolf's name is Bramble. Runt of her litter. lil spitfire. cuddly. i love her
  • her first kill on a hunt was a fox, and she still wears (what's left) of it's pelt
  • the red/gold sash belt thing was given to her by her clan after she bonded with bramble

Names given to her throughout her life.
  • Toddler:
         - "Little Opossum"
         - Given by her father because she was a loud and bitey kid
  • Childhood:
         - "Fang of Flame"
         - She was spunky and liked to start fights 
  • Teen/Young Adult:
         - "Pelt of Brambles"
         - Getting over being an edgy child but shes still a lil edgy. spiky if you will
  • Adult:
         - "She Who Howls with Pride"
         - she gets over being emo and is now ambitious/hopeful
  • Current:
         - "Fang of the Forest"
         - a name given to herself after the accident. she deemed herself 'fang of the forest' as a metaphor for being its protector.


The tribe of Firbolg who live in the northern parts of the Marauding Wilds. They have a close connection to the local population of direwolves, forged over centuries of bonding.

- as a result of this symbiotic relationship, the direwolves and similar canids of the area would not attack them, and began to befriend them much like domesticated dogs, but on more of a level of equality
- direwolves roam the village as they pleased, protecting the clan and offering themselves as mounts and hunters in return for food and protection from human and elven hunters who sought out their pelts
- killing a direwolf/wolf was a (colloquial) taboo that resulted in death
- more meat-based diet than other firbolg tribes because of their connection
- worships ehlonna and balinor
- "naming" conventions by attributes and nature