Lotte O. Love



7 years, 6 months ago

Basic Info


Lotte Ouri Love




April 8


GenderFluid (They/He/She)




Priest/White Mage/Healer


♥Sugar Pie, Bunny Bum♥ 


Quick Trait List:
Selfless - Loving - Devoted - Excitable - Cheerful - Attentive - Empathetic - Courageous - Comforting


  • Lotte is the definition of selfless, willing to do anything to make those they cares about happy(they care about a lot of people). They will devote their heart, body, and soul to anyone very quickly, putting their mental and physical safety at risk, if it pleases. Luckily for their mental health, the very act of making another person happy usually keeps them happy as well. All they really want out of life is to care for others and to be in good company.

  • Very welcoming and easy to befriend! It's likely that after your first conversation Lotte will already consider you someone important. They immediately become protective,loving and loyal to those they befriend. They are also a very physically affectionate person, wanting to hug,kiss, and touch, but will not if it's unwanted.Romance is very easy to start with them, their love is very sincere though.

  • Easily excited by themself and others, gets pumped up for just about anything very quickly(even more so when someone else is excited for it). Always ready to experience something new and will support other's ventures whole heartedly.

  • They take their duties very seriously and will work day and night to do a good job. They can become exhausted from the amount of work they put in, but do not let it show so as to not worry others. Lotte gives their all in just about everything, the only thing they hesitate with is hurting others in anyway, they dislike even causing harm to monsters. Needs to learn how to treat themself. They give very little thought to their own wellbeing, not seeing it as anything particularly important compared to others.

Physical Description:
Height: 6 ft
Build: PEAR, SO PEAR. The softest thighs
Hair: Pink bob, a little bit above his chin. Long rabbit ears that are usually folded down behind their head, they can perk up,though.
Eyes: Light Green
Skin: Pale, rosey cheeks and joints
Very big cotton ball tail, resembles a rose a little bit

Other Stuff:
Likes: Nature - Helping others - Physical affection - Affection of any kind rly - Their gods - Peaceful atmospheres - Domesticity - Traveling - Heros/Legends - Seeing others succeed - Cute little animals - Cute big animals
Dislikes: Displeasing others - Stress - Causing harm - Knowing that someone is upset - Failing -
Strengths: Incredibly caring - Fearless - Talented healer - Hard worker - Loyal - Brave faced - Considerate
Weaknesses: Selfless to a fault - Overworks self - Reckless - Bottles up feelings - Puts trust in others too quickly 

  • Polyamorous
  • Very religious
  • Will polish your sword and your sword
  • Used to be a nun, but was enamored with stories of traveling, dungeon running heros, and decided to become one as well.
  • One spell of theirs will put a blessing on the user causing them to ressurect upon death, they don't always use this practically though...
  • Will often try to befriend monsters, results vary
  • I tend to draw this character with whatever genitalia I feel like giving them at the time, this has absolutely nothing to do with their gender

 This character was made as a "healslut" and a gore joke and deserves better than this life