Caius Xeweni



7 years, 7 months ago


Caius Xeweni (kai-us zoo-wen-ee)
Gender: Male
Age: 19
Eye colors: Blue (lower) and golden (upper)
Skin color: White, very pale
Hair color: Black
Prefered clothing: Anything dark, anything that makes him look inconspicuous.
Condition: Lycanthropy


It is traditional to take the name of the wolf that Turned you. It is traditional for new wolves to join a pack. It is traditional... tradition... tradi...


Caius doesn't care about tradition. He took the name of his attacker - Xeweni - only reluctantly, forced to do so by the people that labled him Werewolf and wrote him down in a thick, dusty book. He tells the name to no one, and calls himself by the name his mother gave him. Since his Turning Caius has had nothing to do with the rest of... "his kind."


He has found a safe haven with a man named Dill, in a circus, f all places. He doesn't perform, but he does jobs for Dill whenever the man asks in order to pay for his room and food. Dill and some of the other circus folks are aware of Caius' condition and help to provide him with a safe and controlled environment during full moons, as well as keep him restrained to prevent him from hurting himself or others.