


7 years, 7 months ago




 ▉ Basic Info.

Name: Carroll

Age: TBA

Birthday: TBA

Species: Seedrian

Occupation: Guardian

Sexuality: Aromantic Heterosexual

Sex: Male

Gender: Cisgender

▉ Appearance

Height: TBA

Weight: TBA

Hair colour: Pink

Eye colour: Plum with Green tint

Body build: Has a skinny body and resembles female than male

▉ Personality

Abrupt | Grouchy | Jealous | Relentless | Skeptical | Allocentric | Capable | Conscientious

Carroll is the kind of person who is always in bad mood due to his messed-up genes. Because of this unfortunate birth incident, he is prone to be irritated by anything and anyone; even this means his own friends and family. This short-temperedness of his never makes his relationship with others so easy and it can be a wild ride with him. Deep down, though, he have a sufficient amount of envy towards anyone who looks oridinary or very fortunate than himself. Feeling like a freak, he tends to isolate himself and sees himself as rubbish to anyone.

On the other hand, Carroll has some justice within his mind due to becoming a guardian of his village. Because of his training, the seedrian fairy is suspicious among any unfamiliarity and is not easily convinced if one ask of his permission. He especially did not like any strangers asking of his own personal background and isn't hesistated to unleash his weapon. Carroll's mind is generally not the kind to sway so easily. He is single-minded and does pay attention to his duties even if it may be dull and boring.

However, if one is able to win Carroll's trust, they are in for a big surprise. He is the only one who could adjust his own mind and he is willing to incoporate one's needs into his mind. Generally, Carroll pays his attention to his friends to the point of considering their concerns and offers to help despite his anger issues. As said above, he is raised to be a guardian so he is the person to get the job done with all he knows. The seedrian fairy's will is unmallable until his duty has done well, making him lean towards the heroic alignment.

Likes: Respect | Having things his way | Being accepted

Dislikes: Being mistaken as female | Seeing his friends hurt | Compliments

Hobbies: Do I look like I have free time?!

Strengths: Can cast elemental magic, depending on the seasons

Weaknesses: Short-temperedness

▉ Trivia

Seiyuu: TBA

Theme Song: ♫

- He wears dresses because of his cult
- He wishes to be treated as boy.
- His DNA is messed up from radioactivity that is sourced from war.

▉ Relationship


Sonny | Best Friend

Carroll and Sonny's attitudes compliment each other well. Sonny's neutral and laidback attitude help settle his short-temperedness down but not completetly, though. He still yells and would not hesitate to whack his friend with his weapon. Usually, Sonny's risky decisions get him angry because her plan often leads him and her into unexpected trouble or accidental collision with others. Still, Carroll is sympathetic with her gene mishape and sets his anger aside easily in order to listen to her rare ranting.


Rosalia | Cousin | Raspinbel2

Carroll and Rosalia has conflicts between and often it is because of Carroll's constant envying wants. Despite Rosalia's kindness towards him, Carroll let his emotions get to him and so avoid his cousin often since at his pre-teen years. It is a long time that he and she has seen each other, though, because Rosalia is the Princess and he is the Guardian.