


4 years, 3 months ago

Basic Info


Seliphye Shard (cell-uh-fye)






Princess of Isythe Isles


Ranger, uses bows and enjoys flaming arrows


Varna Shard (mother), Forres Shard father), Ryver Shard (brother), Ilya Shard (cousin)


Varna Shard was sent away at birth and raised in Lord Ivanov's household, under the Ivanov name. She grew into a beautiful woman with a cold and bitter heart. Without her consent she was married to King Forres Shard at age sixteen, but wasn't particularly upset it- until she arrived at her suitor's castle, anyway. Forres Shard had 23 wives and over 100 children, until his most beautiful wife Varna killed them all out of jealousy. She went so far as to exterminate entire houses that had but a drop of Forres' blood within them.

Despite her unkind nature, she had a quick wit and was terribly clever, many adored her and followed her every whim. Before executing King Forres, she bore two children of his.

Seliphye, Varna's daughter, was a fearsome child and refused to heed any of her nurse's orders. Finding that no nurse could tame the girl, Varna instructed that she was to be raised by the castle's most diligent general. As Selly grew up, her anger was directed into her training and she became a disciplined warrior, favoring the bow.

Ryver, the firstborn son of the Queen, was a much more quiet, focused individual. At the young age of fourteen he was commanding legions of the Kingdom's spies, flawlessly orchestrating the collapse of many enemies to Isythe. Ryver is a man of few words, loyal to a fault, but also empathetic enough to disapprove of his mother's cruelty.

As Varna grew older and her children no longer required her guidance, her inward ugliness began to show in her appearance. This horrified her, and at the expense of her Kingdom's coffers, she paid off various magic users to feed her a steady supply of Glamours. Without this handy dandy magic, who can say what she now looks like underneath.

Recently the Queen overheard rumors of an individual with an angelic singing voice, so pure it could make an angel weep. Devoid of entertainment and extremely curious, she dispatched scouts near the area the singing was said to emanate from. In a miserable little village quite far from Isythe, a young boy was found by the name of Oriphiel who possessed the ethereal voice rumors described. As per order by their Queen, soldiers forcibly removed the boy from his home and transported him back to Isythe. Varna was quite pleased with her new subject, and found no greater pleasure than bringing Oriphiel pain.

Fed up with being complacent in their mother's actions, Sel decides to confront the Queen once and for all. She knew it would be difficult facing her mother like that, but what Selly didn't anticipate was her brothers fierce loyalty to the crown..