Agnes Winter /"Switch"(wip)



4 years, 3 months ago


‼I'm still working on her and tweeking her bio‼

-Agnes Winter aka "Switch"

-she has the ability to cancel out light as well as produce  light(she can also see in the dark/ not get blinded). mostly used for defense, cloak,camouflage,projections, illusions, to distract and blind the opponent)(canceling out takes less energy than making light,so she works mostly with darkness)

+ superhuman physical strength. 

-she has accidentally blinded 3 people with her powers, which is one of the reasons she is scared to use light

-she quit being a superhero after she had an accident while fighting her arch enemy .she got a bit too reckless  and she got trapped under rubble from a building that collapsed ,which resulted in her right leg getting busted and had to be amputated. during her time in the hospital she had time to self reflect and realized she actually never wanted the superhero life 

-she got a metal prosthetic leg(which she can use as a weapon if necessary: kicking etc)

- her mother is a superhero with the he same powers,but she can also make her projections/shadows have mass(/be physical?) but she does not have superhuman strength like agnes. she looked down on her daughter and was very hard on her when she was young for being "weak", "not good enough" and not being as strong/the same as her

-agnes was never sure if she wanted to be hero,she got dragged into it by her mom who is a .she felt that her powers, besides her strength, weren't useful enough 

-her arch actually had beef with her mom, so then she had to deal with that ...

-after the accident she finally got her dream job as architect

-she studied architecture at state university. most of her friends at the time were pretty toxic and mainly befriended her to intimidate others due to her power and intimidating looks and physique

-Pete was one of the students she terrorized occasionally. but she befriended him after they met at a new wave party he had for his radio show "the white room". she wasn't aware pete hosted the white room. they got along pretty well and she apologised for all the awful stuff she did.he wasn't aware she was actually quite geek as well.they both liked the same movies,music and dungeons and dragons. after sometime they had a romantic relationship,which only lasted a few months. due to befriending Pete, after sometime she stopped terrorizing students,vandalising,etc and doing what her other friends pushed her to do, and doing more what she wanted. although agnes thought her friends would be chill about her boyfriend, when she told them they disapproved. they mocked her, they thought she had gotten "too soft" and would kick her out if she didn't break up with him. she was afraid to lose her "friends" and be alone so she obeyed and did so, even though she didn't want to. she was heartbroken and got pretty depressed for doing that and avoided pete after breaking up. he too was hurt pretty badly by her breaking up with him so abruptly ,especially since things were going so well 

-years later ,after quiting being a superhero and finally becoming an architect, she was offered an opportunity to work on a project for venture industries.when she was doing some research about venture industries she came across Pete's contact information .she wrote him that she wanted to meet up to talk about what happened in college and apologise for hurting him. eventually they became friends again and gradually started to develop feelings again for one another 

-she also came to terms with her old arch rival, on which she used to blame the loss of her leg(out of anger),while it was actually an unfortunate accident which both of them didn't see coming

-shes still a little goth now ,but a bit more modern and more minimalistic. 

-besides their love for music, both agnes and pete love costumes. she likes Halloween in particular 

other stuff:

- has wavy/curly hair but she liked to straighten it (during her 20s)

- when she was younger and wore a corset she used to hide her cigarettes,a lighter,weed and a swiss pocket knife under it

- part French (her father is from France) 

- sexuality:bisexual

-NB (she/they)

-pretty deep voice (I haven't found anything for a "voice claim" yet, but I guess I could describe it as jasper from su but softer and less raspy/harsh?? idk)

-she does not have a good relationship with her mother. she hasn't heard from her in years. she barely sees her father (works in France).her parents are divorced

- her ex arch actually made her prosthetic leg, its controlled by her powers (light)

-shes actually very close with her arch now. they view each other as family now

-everyone used to think she was the daughter of a villain and that she would become/was one too(bc of how ruthless and aggressive she used to be)

- she had to step in a few times to save Pete's and Billy's asses when they got into trouble when they arched st. cloud

- when agnes and pete were friends again they had a bit of an "are they in love ?or aren't they?" vibe going on because they were still quite close but they did also pick on each other in a friendly manner (just like they used to in college)

- Pete gets her back into video games 

-pete moved in with her sometime after they got back together

-just like her clothes, her house is very monochromatic ,but she has a lot of plants

-when she was a superhero (as well as when she used to beat up people in her college and high school years) her "signature move" was to knock her enemy's out with a headbutt

- she still has her motor bike from the 80s(she used to go on rides a lot with pete)