


4 years, 3 months ago


NAME - Daniella (Dani for short)

AGE - 20 in human years

HEIGHT - 5'8



Dani isn't the type to go through phases, and once she has an obsession it will last. She has been obsessed with learning about humans ever since a skydiver landed near where her little tribe hides out when she was 16. She would often travel for an hour or so to a dump where she'll take human clothes from. This is where she got her outfit we see now, which is a big contrast to the type of clothes that someone like Jax might wear. She's determined to learn more once she meets Leo. (Also random but human-food wise she likes spicy food much more than sweets. I'm sure if they weren't on the run she would love Leo's mom's cooking.)

She's also quite playful yet pretty responsible when it comes down to it, but not great at dealing with sadness/anger. When she feels down she tends to bottle it up by using the excuse that others have it worse. Unfortunately this mixed with the anger built up from frequent fighting in her household leads to her commonly having outbursts of anger, which can make her seem immature.

Due to her parents splitting up early in her life, Daniella has trouble emotionally supporting and helping Leo through his depression/being a good parental figure to Jax. She has no experience with having a younger sibling and has only really been shown bad examples of parenting and relationships. Though she hasn't been treated well she would never purposefully hurt someone, shown by her act of deciding not to kill Jax - even though he was seen as nothing but a 'dirty intruder.' Throughout the story she struggles with why she decided to spare him, as reptilians, giants, humans, and her species all have been raised with very different morals.

Finally, to explain her giant powers. As mentioned earlier, her parents separated early in her life. Her mother had cheated on her father with a giant (I STG IF YALL HAVE YA MINDS IN THE GUTTER) and when Daniella was 10, her father found out that she wasn't actually his kid. One day she accidentally triggered her power and became giant for a few seconds. After this her mother bailed and went to live with the giant. Even though her father knew she wasn't his kid biologically, he still told her he loved her like his own. Although, as Daniella started to get common traits that young giants get, (for instance, larger hands than average?)  he would sometimes lash out at her as he got constantly reminded that she wasn't his kid whenever he saw her in her giant form/was informed of these traits. This anger would often unintentionally rub off on Daniella and ended up really affecting her the more she bottled it up.

If we're talking specifically how her powers are triggered, she can will herself to grow to giant size just by thought and deep concentration. She'll switch back to her normal size, or 'shrink' when she wills herself to OR if she gets distracted enough it can happen by accident. It's kind of like holding your breath and then choosing to let it go or not, however there is no limit on how long she can be giant. It tires her out a bit physically afterwards, because unlinke being 100% giant she is only half giant.