


7 years, 7 months ago

Basic Info




Helpful, sweet, convinced he'll be abandoned by everyone if he's not either of those things to them. Nolen's 'real' personality, at least what he feels is real, is generally a lot more sedate and thoughtful.


The protagonist of the first game I ever wanted to make, conjured up when I was in like... 5th grade?

Nolen is a Shifter, though his grasp of the power is a bit shaky. Normally, a Shifter is only created if they accept the fate of losing their true face, when the power is offered to them by the Changeling Beast itself, in some guise or another - but here, a secret: the Changeling Beast has begun to fall to fragments. And sometimes, these fragments - are inadvertently stumbled upon, and the irreparable cosmic event of a new Shifter results.

When you trade your true face, your identity in the world, for the power to be anything - for the power to defy the bounds of what you were, what you were meant for - it isn't just the one of you that you trade. It is the all of you. Every other 'you,' in every other world -- winks out, like a snuffed candle. That which was 'you', across the spectrum of worlds... is now only you, singular in all realities, a bundle of seething potential that will never know true death.

Nolen became a Shifter due to unknowing contact with a fragment of the Changeling Beast, and almost immediately after fell through into another world -- the world of Element. He wakes up there in a body that wasn't what he remembered it being, and with a newfound power buzzing under his skin.