


4 years, 2 months ago



Tallulah Iron

Basic Information:

  • Name meaning:
    • Tallulah means leaping water in Choctaw (Native american).
  • Hero name: Crocodilia.
  • Birthday: April 17th.
  • Birthplace: Miccosukee Indian Reservation, Florida.
  • Age: 29.
  • Gender: Female.
  • Height: 5’9”.
  • Hair & Eye Color: Dark brown.
  • Blood type: o-.
  • Current Residence: Florida however does a few spring and summer classes and hero student training at UA Academy in japan (during the second semester).
  • Ethnicity: Native american (Miccosukee) and Cuban.
  • Occupation: Hero (fighter and rescue)/veterinarian.
  • Affiliation: The Everglades Rescue Squad (a squad that carries heroes with abilities that are prefect for the everglades).


Chill and hard-working


  • Power: 4/5 b.
  • Speed: 4/5 b.
  • Technique: 4/5 B.
  • Intelligence: 6/5 S.
  • Cooperativeness: 4/5 B.

Quirk & Abilities:

  • Quirk: Alligator.
  • Type: Mutant.
  • Description:
    • Can do whatever an alligator can.
  • Abilities:
    • Skin; hard to pierce through like an alligator.
    • Eyes; act similar to an alligator, can get popped back into her skill and see through water and the night.
    • Jaw can snap shut and break bones.
    • Tail acts like a rotor for swimming and whip for fighting.
  • Ultimate Move: The death roll; similar to the death roll that an alligator uses to kill its prey, she will wrap her arms and legs around a body and starts tightening with all her strength to either 1. Stop the enemy and incapacitate them, 2. Get an animal to stop any more movement, 3. Get a person to calm down in the hold.
    • It’s scary to see it in the water because she will roll around..
  • Weaknesses:
    • Cold; like Tsuyu, she doesn’t do too well in the cold and will begin to hibernate if the temperature goes under too much.
    • Her jaws; what must come down can’t get back up. Her jaws have such a strong closing force but the opening force is very weak so she keeping her mouth closed.


  • Amadahy House--- Mother:
    • From the Miccosukee Indian Reservation, she works a peace officer and a park ranger.
    • Quirk: Alligator skin; she has no alligator abilities but her skin looks like alligator skin and is hard to pierce.
    • She and Manolo are divorced on friendly terms and are married to other people.
    • Amadahy means Forest water.
  • Manolo Rodriguez--- Father:
    • Born in Cuba, he escaped and lived near the reservation. When he got his citizenship, he became a cop and became friendly with the other officers in the indian reservation, including Amadahy.
    • He quit police work and became a park ranger.
    • Quirk: Tail; just like Ojiro.
    • They married and had Tallulah but divorced mutually after they realized they aren’t really in love with each other but appreciate the other.
    • They both divorced and stayed friends (when Tallulah was 14), then found their true soulmates.
    • Manolo means God is with us.
  • Shenandoah Iron--- Step-mother:
    • Married to Amadahy, she’s from Virginia and met her at the zoo Miami (she was with her sisters family on vacation) at the alligator enclosure.
    • Her twin sister, Ayashe (means little one) is a pro hero named Black Dwarf.
    • She’s an astronomy professor at the University of Florida.
    • Quirk: star eyed; her eyes look like a little galaxy is in them. Her eyes can project light to show the galaxy in them.
    • Shenandoah means beautiful daughter of the stars. She is from the Algonquian nation.
  • Franklin Burns--- Step-Father:
    • Married to Manolo, he’s from Northern Florida and met Manolo when he got lost in the everglades and was found by Manolo (he’s a ranger).
    • Quirk: Extinguish, he can release extinguishing foam from the palm of his hands.
    • He’s a firefighter.
    • Franklin means free landowner.


  • Marie Angela Guerra--- Seraphim--- Pro-hero/friend: Both met each other because both do rescue jobs also.
    • Quirk: Three pairs of slits on her body that her aura wings come out.
    • Crocodilia was on a rescue mission where a pregnant couple crashed into a raveen and the shock caused the woman to go into active labor, this fact is why Seraphim was added to the team.
    • The couple was saved and a baby was born in a raveen with the help of Seraphim.
    • The sight of a birth made Tallulah not want to give birth and appreciate her mother even more.
    • Marie means bitter sea in French.
  • Roksana MOtylek--- Deathhead--- Pro-hero/best friend: Roksana helps with the rescue classes in japan and helps Talullah with her japanese.
    • Quirk: Moth;
      • Spin silk? Yes she can, with her saliva.
      • Is she attracted to light?…. Yes she is :).
      • Antennae? Yes siree bucko.
    • Her hero name isn’t what kind of moth she is, she’s actually a satin silk moth. Deathhead just sounds cooler.
    • Her hair literally feels like silk.
    • Roksana means star of magnificence in Russian.
  • Akemi Hoshi--- starlet--- step-cousin/student: Daughter to pro-hero black dwarf and detective Akame Hoshi, she inherited her mother Ayashe’s quirk however is a hotter variant of star. Ayashe is the twin sister to Shenandoah who is Crocodilia’s step-mom.
    • Quirk: blue star; the hottest star type, she can absorb all the light in a room to make herself brighter and emits high heat.
      • If she is in a dark room with no light sources, the absorbed light will dissipate into heat energy and her true skin tone (like Ayashe’s skin) will be revealed.
    • All her clothes are modified for high heat emitter quirks.
    • Her hair is made of pure energy and can be shaped into whatever she wants but can’t be destroyed because… energy can’t be destroyed, just transformed (basic laws of physics).
    • Her eyes are also hidden, they’re there but her skin absorbs so much light, it causes her eyes to not show up.
    • Doesn’t help her eyelashes and iris are white.
    • In a dark room, her hair will straighten and become translucent.
    • Akemi means bright and beautiful in Japanese.


  • Born on the Miccosukee Reservation, she learned to appreciate the beauty of the land, the animals, and to love one another. Following in her parents (Amadahy and Manolo) footsteps (they really wanted her to be one), she started training to be a ranger.
  • As much as she loved the everglades, becoming a ranger wasn’t something she wanted to do but it was something her parents wanted.
  • Amadahy married Shenandoah when Tallulah turned 16, Shenandoah saw how sad Tallulah was and pushed her away from the career path and urged her to find her own way.
  • It helped a lot and gave Talullah the boost to get her hero license and her degree in veterinary science.
  • When she turned 21, she and other south Florida heroes banded together to make the Everglades rescue squad.
  • They not only rescue people and animals in the everglades but also in South Miami.


  • Her favorite food is baked catfish with bonaito fries.
    • She doesn't like mayonnaise but will mix Jamaican curry powder in it. 
    • I recommend it, it tastes great.  
  • She is a lesbian that is very open about it, she isn’t afraid of telling someone she is into ladies.
    • When she came out to her dad that she is gay, he’s like “oh okay… Me too.”
    • Her mother is bisexual while her father is homosexual (in the closet when he had Tallulah).
  • Her step-cousin is actually at UA and her quirk is blue star.
    • She has two moms; one is Ayashe who has the dwarf star quirk and the other has an infrared vision quirk.
    • When Tallulah is in Japan for the classes, she is always first in line to take it.
  • Tallulah took up her step-mother's last name when she turned 18 because she was there for her when Tallulah was going through a tough stage in life (regarding her sexuality, how weird she found her quirk to be, and what she’ll do as a career).
    • Because of her, she figured out her calling is saving people and animals.
    • Because of her, Tallulah is the number one ranking hero in Florida.
  • People don’t realize she can pop her eyes into her skull like an alligator until they see her push them in when rubbing it.
    • Her co-workers freaked out the first time they saw it.
    • Marie just laughed and said “I saw a ranger do that to a ‘gator once, funniest shit I've ever seen.”
    • Crocodilia once held a kid, who probably watched a video of a guy doing it to an alligator, to take a picture for the kid’s mother.
    • After the picture was taken, the kid turned to Crocodilia and she looked at them and went “ah…” when the kid proceeded to pop an eye into her skull.
    • This made the mother scream and freak out while trying to call an ambulance.
    • Crocodilia just laughed it off and said no need for that, when saying that her eye popped back out.