Brandi Moore



7 years, 6 months ago


Created 10/31/16. Cody and Vespira's daughter - egg 36. Brandi is commonly referred to as "Squirrel" or "Streaker" due to her behavior. For some reason, she is completely positive she does not need a shirt. While this may be true to some extent, her parents still want her to wear one. Luckily, but much to Vespira's annoyance, they're able to meet in the middle. She'll wind a few bandages around herself and call it good. Brandi is much smaller than the other kids, but not so much as Boop. Her tail is huge and chubby and she often twitches it around like a squirrel. Has a love for climbing all over things and ripping though the house at high speeds, jumping off walls and people along the way. Has amazing balance and the urge to always have her face in the wind. She loves heights and has no fear of falling. For some reason, her feet don't have toes on them - they're just clubs. Somehow, she's still able to be as agile as she is with this deformity. Would not have survived without the spell. Due to her small size, she was missing several pieces. The spell actually seemed to work perfectly for her, giving her replacement parts instead of having her miraculously survive.