Isabela Auclair (Notes)



was going to have Isabela blind in her eye before being brought to Devildom but decided it'd after
All at breakfast
Mammon: so, frizzabela, im curious, out of the sins, which do you think youd need more if?
Isabela: huh?
Lucifer shooting mammon a deathly glare
Belphie, with interest: good and bad coexist. Everyone talks about what they need more of by way of virtue
Isabela: i guess it would be pride
Satan slams his hands on the table and storms off
Isabela: did i say something wrong?
Asmos: no, no,  
But satan seemed so angry
Belphie: hes the avatar of wrath he's always angry
Lucifer chases after him to the library, trying to calm him down.  
they in their devil forms Lucifer lunges at Satan
Isabela gets in the way and slashes out her eye
She bites diwn so hard in her lip that it bleeds as she holds her hand to her bleeding eye.
She doesnt want to scream and cry in front of them
Satan and Lucifer: ISABELA!!
Lucifer wracked with guilt

Me minding my business
Twitter: here's Drunk Lucie
I can see it now. Diavolo making him go out drinking after a meeting about the progress of the exchange program
Diavolo encouraging him to drink more
Brings him home to house of lamentation
Everyone but Beel trying to take advantage of the situation and tells Isabela to help Lucifer to his room
She places one of his arms over her shoulders and places an arm around his waist
Levi saying how funny it looks as they walk away cause he's so much taller than her and references one of his obnoxiously long titled animes
They get to his room and Lucifer collapses on the bed.
He brings Isabela down with him "I'm your man now, my pulchritudo. How do you intend to care for me?"
Note: pulchritudo is beauty in Latin, ir so google tells me

Also sidenote
Cebereus only listens to Lucifer. It attacks anyone else
While it still growls at Isabela for a few seconds it'll still listen to her
No supernatural powers  She just loves canines and it senses that in her

When she's overly tired or when Mammon gets her drunk, she calls Lucifer by Luciel
Lucie: but that's an angels name...
Isabela: but that's what you are! My angel!!
I thought of it cause I remember in high school I learned -iel names are angel names
Since Isabela is homeschooled in the human world, she's booksmart, but this is a whole other ball game and some things are hard for her to grasp.
But her mother is a French diplomat, so she's grown up expecting to give perfected results.
So she stays up so late studying these demon related school subjects and her being overly tired, her thoughts go all over the place.
Satan gets annoyed with it and constantly tells her to go to bed
Lucifer gets subtly flustered
Lucifer: ah, your touch is the only thing that can bridle my fury

He just wants to spend what little free time he has to get to know this human
Her hands keep shaking as she tries to drink her hot cocoa
Lucifer smiling tenderly at her as he takes note of her trembling
"No one in here is going to eat you," he reassures her. "Except maybe me," he mutters under his breath.

I keep having this image in my head
Where Isabela is up late at night studying in the library with Satan
And she feels herself getting sleepy
And she's just a 5min nap won't hurt
And she lays down on one of the couches and immediately passes out  
Lucifer making the rounds to ensure his brothers are in the dorm and he sees the light on
He walks in and sees Isabela
"I see she's working hard to impress Lord Diavolo. That's good."
Satan, bitterly: To impress Diavolo, or to impress you? Anyway, I'm going to bed. Don't wake her.
And Satan leaves And Lucifer just stares at her He walks over to drape his jacket over her body so she won't get cold As he leaned down, he gets closer, curious about the human exchange student and how a mere human could stir up a tornado of feelings inside him. He's not thinking and finds himself softly pressing his lips against hers. His heart is racing so fast
A feeling he hadn't felt in centuries
He hurries out of the room before he could find himself doing something to her he could regret
After all, she's only here for the exchange program.
He doesn't want to jeopardize Diavolo's vision to find peace and harmony among the three realms

Lucifer trapping her between him and a wall in his demon form
Note: Isabela isn't afraid of any of the demon forms unless they're so angry that they're about to kill her  
Lucifer: Do you fear me?
Isabela: You know the answer to that, but what is it you want me to say?
Lucifer: As a demon and the avatar of pride, I want you to say yes. someone who's fallen in love with you...I want you to say you fear losing me and going back to the human world.

im just going to have Isabela as a regular human Lilith's spirit when she dies attaches to Isabela's mother's family. So every female has been attached to Lilith. Isabela never mentioned it so her mother assumes Lilith is finally at rest Lilith can pass on her power but only for a short time. With Isabela's body being too weak, it could tear apart. But can hold on long enough to protect herself from Belphegor, the youngest brother

Lucifer's always saying he has meetings with Diavolo
So I came up with a thing where he's lying.
Not every meeting is a meeting with Diavolo  
He's going to the human world to get medications for Isabela  
Because even if she's not as sickly in devildom, she still needs them
" did you get these?"
"Hm? Demons in the devildom use medications as well," he lied. "They're not the exact same, but they will do."
"These won't turn me into a demon, will they?!"
Lucifer chuckled. "Of course not. For a human to turn into a demon, they need to kill one thousand demons. You and I both know you're not capable of that."
"Because I'm weak?"
He placed a hand on top of her head, giving her a tender smile. "No, because you're a good person."
She doesn't tell him her medication runs out He figures it out when she starts to seem weaker and goes into feverish states I dunno I gotta look up heart conditions
I might just base it off my late husband's heart issues i dunno. we'll see after these war flashbacks conclude

Abused and isolated
Which is why when she's overcome with negative emotions or if one of the boys says something that upsets her, she just runs off on her own rather than talk about it with someone
Cause she's so used to dealing with things alone  
Or if Lilith comforts her, but that's only in her dreams or daydreams she appears
But she's been appearing less since Isabela's been in Devildom  
Because Lilith is the boys' baby sister
And while Isabela's learned this
She doesn't make the connection since from the time she was a little girl,
Lilith never told her her name and the boys havent shared an image of her

My dumbass obey my oc not realizing she's in love with Lucifer cause she's never known unconditional love before
isabella: is in love
also isabella: whats this strange magic

Isabella getting upset and running off on her own and accidentally venturing into cursed forest Satan warned her about but she didnt know cause bitch is cryin and half blind
I thought of Isabella finally calling Lucifer after she gets too scared in the forest
She doesnt say anything when he picks up
But he says very calmly "Stay where you are. I'll come for you."

I headcanon that when Isabella gets sick, he makes a fuss by forcing her to sleep in his room so he can care for her. Of course he plays off his worry as "I just don't want this to affect the exchange program. The quicker you're to full health, the better" Now I totally want her to care for him when he gets sick Beelzebub is basically a bodyguard outside his room and won't let anyone past
So he would only let Isabella through

Diavolo takes random pics of Isabella, and will even ask her to smile for a pic
And he sends them to Lucifer And Lucifer has to try to not smile or blush when he sees them when he's around people