
Artfight profile!!

Has a more human form to hide as. Whilst in this form his tail, horns, ears and fangs are hidden. The transition between forms can occasionally be painful if he's been changing between them too often. When changing, the attributes mentioned above have to grow back out and vice versa

If he stays in his human form for too long, the rise of the moon will force him out of it if he's not paying attention. When the sun comes up he can stay in his demon form since this is his true form, though he tends to mask as human through out the day. He has control over what forms to use and when he wants to change between them but it takes a lot out of him after a while. If he really pushes himself he can stay in the human form for a year straight. No switching to his demon at all. Though this risks his death as the form changing uses a lot of magic and in turn tires him out. If

Sometimes when he's being lazy and is going some where no one would recognise him, he'll stay as his demon self but hide his demon parts under clothes! Sometimes he'll even keep his demon traits but change the skin colour to be more human. The more he does to his apperence the more magiv it takes

When drawing him feel free to mix and match traits from both forms if ya wanna! :D (If drawing him in a public place he will appear more human!)