


7 years, 7 months ago


Name: Karalynn
Gender: Female
Sprite and bond relationship:
well..about that..they share a love hate kind of relationship. Like siblings more or less, and that's how they treat each other. They'll pick on each other and try to make the other mad but in the end they love and respect each other.
What kind of witch are they and why?:
More with potions, she's very bad on her broom and doesn't make it up in the air very high. She specializes in potions that help others even though others' don't really like to help her. She can make a mean love potion though.
Background Story:
After Karalynn was born, her mother instantly despised her, she was born to a single mother who's love had moved on. After the birth of Karalynn, she had drifted into a deep depression, she blamed Karalynn because her deformity. Karalynn was dropped off at the outside of the woods one night on Halloween with her mother leaving her, and that is when her bond found her. Her bond had been looking all over for her, they knew that she had to have been moved from the home but weren't able to fallow the mother. The bond, which Karalynn would later nickname Obsidian, felt bad for the small and exposed infant. They spent all night making her laugh and cry in different volumes so someone could hear her cries for help. Finally, Obsidian's work payed off, and an elder witch that lived in the woods found the small child, looking around the woman had determined that the child was abandoned and instantly fell in love with Karalynn's ears. She took her in, gave her the name Karalynn, and started training her to be a witch just like her. As the years passed, Karalynn grew and as well did her bond with Obsidian, even though the witch could not see Obsidian she had a feeling Karalynn was special so she would ask what her and Obsidian did during the day. As time passed, the woman began aging and sadly eventually passing but Karalynn had learned everything the woman had known, and she has taken over the woman's "Job" as a potion maker for towns people.