Vladislav Klever



4 years, 1 month ago



Name Vladislav Klever
Called Vlad
Age 26
Gender male
Race Mutated Human
Role content
Alignment neutral good
Theme Song link

A quiet gardener that is sometimes seen exploring the old buildings. Responsible and willing to help. Will leap in front of you to protect from mutations. Looks grumpy, is actually a softie.


  • plants and gardening
  • sunny days
  • mint
  • exploring old buildings


  • loud people
  • cilantro
  • mutations


Vlad is a quiet man who spent 10 years of his life roaming the dead cities and wastelands. Never quite able to stick to the group, he joined and left many communities until he found Psykes. Determined to settle down and live in peace, tired of solitude and constant feeling of danger, he joined Jezebel's faction to grow crops and maybe find some friends.

Patient and hardworking, he is usually reserved and polite. He often has difficulties with saying 'no' to people, and lets them take advantage of his soft personality, but when his patience runs out, he explodes in rage and lashes out at people, though usually he blows off the steam by hunting mutations around his faction's territory.


Sleeping gas: Vlad is able to exhale a cloud of pale blue gas that puts people to sleep upon inhaling it. People with higher stamina have better chances to resist it. Injured, exhausted people fall asleep immediately. By changing the concentration of the active substance in his breath he's able to manipulate the length and strength of the forced sleep ( from 10 minutes of deep sleep where it's almost impossible to wake a person up to 8 hours of regular sleep ). Vlad is immune to the effects of his sleeping gas. Vlad can't use this ability often and has to keep his mask on to let his lungs and throat recover from using his mutation.


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Cain [ boyfriend ]

Vlad doesn't know how he ended up falling in love with this angry punk, and for the longest time he thought that pink jerk kept visiting him only to drink his rare type blood. Cain teases and bullies him a lot, yet Vlad learns to see his other sides and finds them precious. He loves how honest Cain is... Still, Vlad's embarrassed to show his softer side in front of him.


Vitali [ friend ]

Vitali was one of the first people Vlad met when he arrived to Jezebel. He feels safe around him and isn't afraid to show him his softer side. He loves spending time with Vitali - reading books, working together, talking about all the things in the world. When it's cold, Vlad is happy to throw all the blankets at his friend and bring him hot soup to keep him warm.


Sirin [ friend ]

Sirin didn't ask her permission to enter his life, she just stormed in and immediately turned into his older sister. Loud and cheerful, she loves bringing him homemade meals and ask him for help, and if Vlad looks upset, she's there to talk to him in their mother language. He's grateful for her support and often brings her fresh vegetables and fruits.

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