
7 years, 7 months ago

Basic Info


??? (July 11th)








servant of Eldest


Eldest (creator), Adahel (sibling/cousin)


The creation of a new world was arduous. They had many duties to attend and not a lot of time to attend them. They had made the choice to be active in the humans lives, now they had to learn what that entailed. The new deities were responsible with their people's heath, their education, their happiness. They found this task was impossible alone. Even with two of them, it was much too difficult to cope with.

The Eldest and the Youngest agreed they needed help, but who? The humans weren't ready for that kind of responsibility. In fact, the knowledge of the Gods would shatter them completely. This was true, but no other creature they'd created was sentient. If not the humans, then who?

Why, they'd make angels, of course! Each sister started work on their own attendant. Someone loyal that would obey them without question. They'd formed the humans by throwing chaos onto the planet and monitoring evolution. The angels had the honour of being hand-made.

The humans were weary of their forms at first, but grew to like them. They prayed to the angels as well as their masters and listened to their teachings. Soon they loved the angels more than the Youngest all together. People prayed to her less and less...

It was the beginning of the end.

Adahel was the favourite of the deities' creations among mankind. She was quiet, polite, but with a little strictness. They were everything the humans expected angels to be. They would go to Adahel for advice, for consoling, as they were like a mother. They wrote poems and prayers in their name.

Adahel has a bit of a competitive side. Inwardly, although they'd never admit it, they believe that The Eldest is superior to the Youngest. They have an unrighteous amount of pride in their creator and standing. Their position of popularity over a deity went straight to their head.

8 ft tall with a gangly figure and stick limbs that seem almost too long to be proportionate. Their bones are often visible through their skin, very little muscle mass, but this is deceptive; they are immensely strong and deadly. Does not require food or drink. Claw-like hands.

Adahel has light blue skin that is poreless and resembles either plastic or ceramic. Their fiery orange hair is styled into a bob cut with bangs and hair framing their face. They possess no facial features, but have one ever-staring eye right under their clavicle; this eye is blue with an orange pupil. They have a hole in their stomach they use as a pocket because they are actually hollow.

Adahel has six white wings.

Adahel means 'adorned angel', referencing Humanity's favourtism.