Lilac Pearl



7 years, 10 months ago

Basic Info

Other Names

Lilac, Lils'


100+ (March 12th)


gem (pearl)


feminine agender (she/her, they/them)




servant // smuggler

Significant Other

Lapis "Lapin" Lazuli


  It had finally happened. So many years working herself and her crew to the bone and now Sea Glass had done it. She had proved herself to Blue Diamond and received a pearl. This was her greatest accomplishment thus far! She was finally recognized for her good work and receiving her due. A pearl! One that would care for her and obey her no matter what. The perfect ship-hand.

  Sea Glasses very rarely got pearls, they were 'too rough' for such delicate servants, but she'd been the exception. No other captain had one. Sea Glass had been set apart. She was better. The best, even! Lilac Pearl was proof of that.

  Despite pearls inherit frailty, Sea Glass didn't believe in 'idle hands'. She had no problem having Lilac 'sit pretty' when she had company over, often literally and in the Captain's lap, but other than that? 'If you had time to lean, you had time to clean', she said. The pearl became both lapdog and beast of burden. Sea Glass would prove giving her such a gift wasn't a waste of resources. Unfortunately, Lilac Pearl was secretly defective. 

  Lilac picked up the work quickly and mastered everything she was set to do. From swabbing the deck and cooking to taking inventory and acting as a messenger. Sea Glass was thrilled at how faithful and obedient her pearl was, but never considered she might be too perfect. There wasn't a place on-board she wasn't allowed to go nor a secret she wasn't the sounding board for. She was smart enough to make everyone think she was stupid: a robot who took orders but had no ambitions of her own. No one thought to watch her closely because, well, what could a pearl do? Preen at them?

  Lilac began gaining loyalty with favors and stolen goods. In every port, her influence grew. The whispers of other pearls were sold to the highest bidder. She smuggled more weapons than you could shake a stick at. She steadily worked towards escape and forming her own fleet. Soon, she had the most successful smuggling ring on Homeworld.

   She wasn't just some toy. She would escape and then see to it that Sea Glass was shattered.

  Lilac is extremely quiet and reserved. If not for talking at the gifting ceremony, Sea Glass would have though her mute. She wordlessly goes about her duties of cleaning, taking stock, and looking pretty.

  Inwardly, Lilac is spiteful and strong willed. She been altering Sea Glass' supply lists for years, amassing supplies, and selling objects on the black market. She hates her owner passionately. She can be extremely vindictive. Despite her station, Lilac has a strong sense of pride.

  She is very protective of other pearls. She will smuggle them items or hide them if asked. In return, she never has a shortage of gossip to sell.

[Likes] her fellow pearls, oceans and beaches, warships, being in charge, and undermining Sea Glass right under their nose

[Dislikes] Sea Glass, all gems of higher standing, being subservient, cleaning, 'poofing' (being sent back into her gem)

[Strengths] Extreme patience, intelligence, intuition, compassion to pearls and other 'low' gems, determination

[Weaknesses] vindictive, cocky, has trouble conveying emotions/can be quite rude, envious, gets too greedy

She is unable to summon weapons due to the Era 2 pearl design, so she had a weapon made and keeps it in her gem instead. Her weapon of choice is a garrotte.

[divider by Sukiie]