Special Agent McKinley



4 years, 2 months ago




[fn] McKinley








5' 7"


alignment here


Special Agent McKinley is a member of the FBI, working closely with the BAU (Behavioral Analysis Unit). Her main focus is on her secretive task force, of which she appears to be the only member. Her work will often overlap with various BAU cases, and she sometimes accompanies SSA Hotchner's team to field assignments.

McKinley was turned werewolf as a junior in college at Vanderbilt University. The local pack had an unchecked maniac in their midst who had taken to stalking and attacking young women in a bid to create himself a mate. McKinley was the third woman attacked and the first to survive. She was quickly brought into the ranks of the pack, though in fear that she might tell someone what she had experienced - both from the initial attack and ongoing abuse from her packmates - they kept her sequestered within the alpha's home. Confused, beaten, and alone, she didn't come to realize her true potenial until much later. When her attacker was no longer satisfied with using her, he began his stalk-and-maul method that had worked before. It took an additional three deaths and nearly two years before they finally got the attention of the Marrok. The Enforcer, Charles, came to her rescue unknowingly. The alpha of the pack thought McKinley had called the Marrok - somehow - and attempted to punish her for it. Upon seeing the way he treated the pack's sole female, Charles took it upon himself to wipe out most of the pack as retribution. He brought McKinley back to Montana with him to live in the Marrok's pack and take the time to heal. It was during this time that Charles decided he had had too much killing, and began training several other very dominant wolves to take his place as Enforcers. He had seen McKinley's potential as she grew out of the dark place she had been beaten into, and trained her among the rest. She was the catalyst for the Marrok to really begin considering attempting to change the way werewolves in North America thought about their females.

McKinley was born in a small, rural town in western Tennessee. She was an only child, and her mom was a single parent. Said mom was not the best parent to have - though after some of the things she's seen in the BAU, McKinely's thinking it could have been worse. She was an alcoholic who just barely managed to hold down a job, was just barely able to make ends meet. She was estranged from all family; there had been talk of a grandmother passing away when McKinley was about ten, but that was it. No one ever talked about her father, whoever he might have been. Her mom was a beligerent, mean drunk, and growing up McKinley was often stuck trying to take care of her. She learned how to balance a checkbook by seven, how to boil her own pasta by six, how to use the "starving child" sympathy card on the lanlord or utility people by five. When she hit eighteen, with a high school diploma and a full ride scholarship to Vanderbilt in hand, she never looked back on that fire dumpster of a childhood. She cut off all contact with her mother, exhasperated by her imprisonment by her first pack, and today has no knowledge or care if her mother is even still alive.


  • Mercyverse is based on the Mercy Thompson and Alpha & Omega series by Patricia Briggs, with a few differences.
  • The Fae are not out to the public initially, nor are any other supernatural creatures.
  • While this verse focuses very heavily on Criminal Minds, other series included are: NCIS, Bones, House MD.
  • In general, these thoughts and writings are non-linear and rarely follow the precise time periods of any canon material.
  • Jack Hodgins plays a somewhat significant role as another werewolf. Angela is his mate. He's quite a bit older than he looks, and has done a lot with his money, resulting in the DC Pack using his house as an unofficial Pack House, and running on his private land.
  • Giddeon does not make a living appearance - McKinley arrives at the BAU about a year after Rossi returns. His death is somewhat more significant however. He was a witch, and had protected his home with every charm and spell he could find. He was murdered by something bigger, stronger, more serious, and definitely not human.


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code by zodia

character image by artist credit
aesthetic image by octavian rosca