


4 years, 1 month ago



He/him . ??? . single

Gender Male
Age 21
Sign Aries
Height 5'6
Significant Other N/A
Species Dainty
Occupation Heir/Socialite
Masterlist #4054

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Tanuki is the spoilt, rich heir to a large estate. Having been brought up extremely coddled and getting everything he wanted, he's never really matured and still acts like a child. Tanuki’s only apparent hobby is bug catching, but he only likes catching the ones he deems “pretty”, like butterflies and especially ladybugs. He was a constant visitor to Beau and Monty’s garden because of the sheer amount of cute ladybugs and pretty butterflies swarming around. After a few months of Tanuki’s frequent visits, Beau realized that almost all the ladybugs in his garden had disappeared, and his poor plants were covered in aphids and suffering. Reluctantly, he banned Tanuki from the garden. The ban however, didn’t stop Tanuki from sneaking in whenever he could and Monty has since set up security cameras all around the garden perimeter.

Tanuki's mother died when he was an infant, and he doesn't remember her much. His father basically "raised" him, but mainly by paying babysitters and nannies. To get Tanuki out of his hair, he's been sending Tanuki money and buying him whatever he wants, but is never really home to care for his son properly. Tanuki does not know that his father is embroiled in very shady and very illegal dealings, and about the plot against his cousin Sora and the hired hit on his uncle. Tanuki lives a blissful and oblivious life of luxury, never truly questioning where his wealth comes from. 

He sneaks into Beau's garden half out of his love for ladybugs, and half out of boredom. He knows if he's annoying enough somebody will give him the attention he so desperately craves.

HTML by lowkeywicked
