


4 years, 2 months ago


Full Name: Archibald Brians

Nickname: Archie (preferred name, he will literally destroy you if you call him Archibald.)

DOB: 12th of July, 1944

Death: 15th of August, 1962

Height: 5'9

Age (Physically + Adapted into the Underworld): 18

    Archie is extremely lax, trying his best to enjoy life to the best of his ability and take it apart piece by piece with a positive manner. However, his laxness can lead to him being a bit lazy at times, disobeying orders he has been given and leading him into his own daydreams and escapees. Other than this, he appears to be happy most of the time, not being fully aware about what is going around with his surroundings. Maybe it's for the better.

    He also seems to be a bit of a troublemaker. His laziness can put others in danger, and it can turn him into a selfish prick at times if you interact with him at the worst times. However, this seems to be more rare, as Archie is jolly most of the time.