Marina's Comments


hello! if you ever decide to sell this design, may i be pinged? feel free to ignore this if it makes you uncomfortable!! ty regardless!

Hate to be an absolute bother, but would you ever consider trading or reselling this character? 

It's def possible! It would really depend on the character offered as Im super tentative with any kemikel/japanda designs!

Okay just gonna give it a random shot- based on your favorites I could offer the vouch for this character as a trade ;w;

or willing to offer this character as well

AAAH This is very tempting T0T I think atm I'm still pretty attached to this character but what I CAN do is if I ever trade/resell I can ping or dm you first!

Ah yes please! I’d highly appreciate that! :) 

Hey there! I was going to put this character up for sale but wanted to alert you first in case you still wanted them

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