


4 years, 3 months ago


Name: Rafflesia (new world name)
Age: 21
Gender: Female (She/her)
Like: Rare and Poisonous plants, Corpse Flowers, her pet Dionea (the plant on her head), walking in the grass, dusk
Dislike: Roses, Parasites, extreme temperatures (too hot or too cold), closed shoes

Personality: Rafflesia is an egocentric girl.
She loves rare plants, especially poisonous ones, and sometimes she eats them. More the plant is poisonous, more her skin changes colour from normal to purple/grey. Her legs are full of wounds because she has the habit of walking barefoot in the tall grass, searching for strange flowers.
Her tongue is numb. 

Story: After the radiations took over the Earth, someone fell asleep for a long time. Rafflesia was one of them; she fell asleep in her garden.
But how did she survive? Thanks to plants, of course! The plants in her garden protected her body, helping her adaptation to radiation. While asleep her body changed a lot, she started unconsciously taking nutrition from the nature surrounding her.
Because of the radiations, plants and nature changed too. They started becoming more poisonous and dangerous - Rafflesia's body adapted to it too.
Two years passed before she woke up. Her memory was blurred, and instead of trying to remember her past she just decided to start a new life from zero. She is a new being now.