


4 years, 2 months ago



Name Celena
Age 24
Gender Female
Race Werewolf


  • Bra's with multiple straps
  • Northern Lights
  • Leather jackets & shorts
  • Hanging out with friends


  • fake friends & Pervs
  • Being hungry
  • Giant cities
  • Family or friends getting hurt

Stubborn . Bold . Protective

General Info:
Celena is a werewolf that used to live before in a past life before she got stuck as a spirit in someone else's body. She was never the best person and therefor after she died was given a second chance to change her ways and learn from her mistakes to become a better person but something went wrong and she happened to share a soul for a while with another person until they both managed to get help to get their souls seperated to get her own body. Because something went wrong with her rebirth she still remembers alot of her past which she wasn't supposed to remember as she was supposed to start from scratch.

Past life:
Celena grew up in a pack of other werewolves and often seemed to get into all kinds of trouble as a kid whether she meant to or not which continued and followed through her teenage and adult years. She always has been very insecure about herself but never showed it to others and often would blow off her frustration and insecurity onto others by making bad remarks and be full on rude. Because of that she met and hung out with the wrong people.
She became very close to the group and would do tons of stuff with them, she especially got very close to one of the boys and felt like she could tell him anything, she considered him as her best friend and soulmate as she truly loved him. One day she and her boyfriend drank a bit too much and celena accidentally ended up pregnant after that night. She was terrified of what would happen but didn't want to get rid of the baby as she loved the idea to have a family with the boy she loves. When she told him however he got furious threatening her to get rid of the baby. Celena refused so
he and the group left her on her own spreading rumors and misinformation about her which didn't help her already bad reputation in the pack.

Because of her now horrible reputation the pack decided to derank her to omega and threatened her to get rid of the baby as omegas were not allowed to get children in the pack. She had nowhere to go and bearly got by on food and water but managed to survive and stay away from the pack. She was living in constant fear and didn't trust anyone because of it. As time went on celena found another group that was nice enough to let her stay and even help her with her pregnancy, giving birth to a healthy baby boy. It was hard for her to live on her own being a single mom but she managed to get by just enough.

She swore that she was gonna change and take good care of him having a new life there with the other group but sooner or later she got back into her old bad habits and even took it out on her own son. She will never forget the day when she didn't pay attention for a few minutes. The boy was just barely 6 years old and trying to get her attention but celena seemed to be busy and just cut him off telling him to go play which he did. When she finished she couldn't see him anywhere and got panicked, she asked around the group but nobody saw the little boy so a search party was setup to look
for the little boy. As it became later and darker at night they started to give up hope but one of them finally found something. Celena being happy that they finally found him quickly went to the spot where they were but was stopped in her tracks when she saw her little boy dead on the ground as he had been attacked by a bear in the forest. She couldn't believe it at first, she was devistated and would never forgive herself for this, he was the only real and close family she had and he was gone. Not being able to take it she killed herself a month later not bothering to leave a note either as she believed no one would care anyways. Never did she know that from that day she would get a second chance of life.

Other info:
- Celena tends to snap at people about certain stuff she's insecure about not wanting to look weak or insecure
- Weakness for rock themed music specifically hardrock and bluesrock
- Thinks the old style motorcycles look pretty cool
- She can be brave and bold as she won't back down from stuff easily let alone stand her guard in a fight
- She can be very affectionate to someone she trusts or have a crush on and can be pretty flirty although she often doesn't want to admit it
- Has a hard time opening up to others and ofen hides behind a tough act and sometimes can come of as pretty rude
- Loves the view of a cloudy and misty forest, especially after the rain
- Loves the smell of the rain and wet grass
- She still feels guilty till this day for what happened to her boy and being a bad mother.
- Because of what happened in the past she doesn't trust herself to take care of a kid and rather not deal with them but doesn't know how to respond or react around them because of that.

Height: 170cm
Pronounce: She/Her
Nicknames: Lena
Birthday: May 12
Favorite color: Cyan / Green
Favorite food: Meat pie
Favorite snack: Donut / Cream bun
Magic colours: Light blue
Weapons: Claws & Fangs
Forms: Anthro/werewolf form (true form), Wolf form

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