


4 years, 6 months ago


  • Salem

  • 6320061?1599165465
  • age                                                       19
  • gender male
  • race bombay cat
  • role                               protagonist
  • theme         Smells Like Teen Spirit


                                                         Viv (Main Story Design)

Viv is a teen she-cat who serves as the protagonist in her own story. She is shorter than average cats, but she has a skinny and muscular build. Her eyes have an almond shape, with pupils that are almost always slits. Even though Viv is soft, her fur has a sharp, spiky appearance. She is a Red Somali with a russet coloration. Her ears and tail are tipped pure black, and her paws, underside, and heart marking are an off-white. Her lighter russet color forms a mask shape on her face, matched by dark brown bands and stripes. Her tongue and paws are the same color as her inner ears. Viv can also be drawn with a few small scars and scratches on her back after her fight with Crowley. Vivian's collar and bell are an optional touch while drawing. It was a gift from her mother, as accessories are very rare among forest cats. 


                                                   World Ender Storyline

In this AU, Viv's friends betray her, similar to Crowley's death. Crowley accidentally witnesses her friends burying her body after she is killed. He resurrects Viv in exchange for her soul, and she embarks on a journey of revenge. Viv's fur has a dark and dirty look, due to her time being buried. She has a scar running from her belly up her neck from when she was murdered. Viv's collar was also taken after she was placed in her grave. Her eyes are dark due to her not sleeping, as she is a revenant, she does not need to sleep. 23445338_cn8tRCBBRi83Uqc.png

                                                          Evil Viv Storyline

This design is based on an alternate story where Viv's role is switched. Instead of starting as a anti-hero transitioning to a hero, Viv starts out a hero and over time, becomes a villain. She has the same palette as her revenant counterpart. Her fur grows dirty with age, representing how she stops caring for herself. In this AU, Viv becomes possessed by Crowley on occasion. When he is controlling her body, she looks nearly the same except for a few changes. Her claws glow red, and her pupils are in the shape of inverted crosses. Viv also bleeds from her mouth and nose, as the more time Crowley spends in her body, he is slowly killing her.


 "The more people you love, the weaker you are. You'll do things for them that you know you shouldn't do." 

height 13 inches

build skinny


s.o. straight

dob 11/17

sign scorpio

origin unknown

OCCUPATION                            unemployed

mbti ISTJ

demeanor grumpy

Love interest Roxanne

alignment Lawful Good


value $50


  • faith/religion (not organized)
  • His friends
  • Emo, Grunge, & Metal Music
  • deep conversations


  • government
  • people he doesn't trust
  • substances (drugs/cigarettes)
  • society


Viv was born first of her litter during a harsh winter. It was common for kits to die from the weather, especially in the woods. The cold killed all of Viv's littermates, forcing her mother to raise her alone. Viv's mother was hardly loving. She gave viv her collar as a parting gift, and that was probably the only act of kindness viv would ever receive from her. This wasn't the first litter she'd lost, and toms left her as soon as she'd given birth. Viv's mother kept her safe, but taught her to distrust the outside world. Aside from her childhood friend primrose, she was kept isolated from other cats. Her mom ingrained a hatred for tomcats in her from a young age, as Viv had never had a father. She was constantly jumping from different toms, none staying with her permanently. Before long, viv's mother became pregnant again. Six months after viv was born, her mom gave birth to her little brother. It was her fifth litter, so she didn't even give the kitten a name. Viv didn't want her brother to grow up isolated as she had. At the age of 16, she left with her brother to begin living on her own.


After leaving home, Viv decided to give her brother a name. She named him Honey, after his golden-brown fur. Despite her cold nature, Viv cared about Honey more than anything. He was bubbly, adventurous, and loving, everything she was not. She struggled to raise him, not even being two years old herself. Primrose helped her from time to time, and Viv tried her best to keep him alive. Honey was always exploring, so Viv had to tag along on his adventures to keep him safe. They never kept a home, Prim, Viv, and Honey were always travelling together. Viv eventually settled down near the river to prepare for the next winter. When the winter came, Viv and Honey began to starve. Running out of options to survive the cold, Viv meets an aging tom named Crowley who offers to save her life.


With Honey on the brink of death, viv went out on her own to find food for the both of them. She discovered a trampled path through the snow, and found herself at a crossroads. It was the middle of the night, and Viv was nearly frozen to death. Before she could crawl her way home, an old tomcat approached her. He introduced himself as Crowley, and offered to save her brother. Viv distrusted Crowley, but was desperate and cold. He told Viv that all she would have to do is return to the crossroads the next night. When Viv returned to her den she found honey awake, with remains of fresh kill, and signs he had been fed. The next night, while honey was asleep, viv traveled to the crossroads to meet Crowley again. Crowley offered to keep Viv and her brother alive, and to protect her from other feral cats. In exchange, Crowley asked two things of Viv. She would have to "help him with something" which he wouldn't tell her what that meant, and she had to swear to never take a mate. Viv was confused at the strange requirements, but little did she know, she was bargaining off her own soul. Crowley knew Viv hated love, and used her coldness against her to bait her into a deal. Viv would return to Crowley every night while Honey was asleep. Crowley instructed Viv to bring other cats to him, explaining that he would help them in the same way he had helped her. Unbeknownst to Viv, she was luring cats who had unfulfilled contracts to their deaths. Throughout their time "working" together, Crowley and Viv became good friends. When he first approached her to make a deal, Crowley had intended to take Viv's soul. After spending time with her, Crowley began to realize Viv was no different than he was. Crowley, while being a long-dead demon, was once a living cat himself. He was murdered before he could have kits of his own. He began to view her as his own daughter, and promised himself he would never take Viv's soul. Before long, Viv began to realize something wasn't right. Bodies of cats started showing up throughout the forest, some of whom she had recognized. The cats who Crowley swore he was helping were now dead, and started to realize what was happening.


While Honey was asleep in his den, Viv ventured near the river to find food for the both of them. It was during a rainstorm, and the river was swollen. While climbing onto rain-slicked rocks, Viv tripped and fell into the flooded river. She had never learned to swim, and begin to drown beneath the current. When she woke up, she found herself on the opposite riverbank. A nearby cat had heard her struggling, and carried her onto the shore. He introduced himself as Bramble, and offered to let her stay with him during the thunderstorm. Viv distrusted Bramble, and attempted to cross the river on her own. However, in trying to climb across the stones she nearly fell in again, and was forced to turn back. Bramble and his friend Bailey took care of Viv during the storm. Remembering her deal with Crowley, she returned home early in the morning while Bramble and Bailey were asleep. As she lived by the river, Bramble began greeting her from the other side. Over time, they became friends, and Viv and Honey would cross the river to meet him. Little did Viv know, Crowley was aware of what she was doing. Every night, Viv and Bramble began meeting. Bramble was one of the few cats who get past her cold demeanor, and Viv began to realize that he genuinely cared for her. Crowley was now faced with a difficult decision. Viv, a cat who he loved as a daughter, had now betrayed him. Viv had broken her deal, as as a crossroads demon, he had no choice but to kill her.


Sawyer is Viv's cousin. He stumbled upon Viv and Honey's den while wandering the woods alone. Sawyer told the pair that he found his little sister, bloody and drowned in the river. Eager to get revenge, Sawyer asked Viv for help locating the murderer. After Sawyer showed her the body, Viv was racked with guilt. She had known Sawyer's sister, and helped lure her to Crowley. Realizing this was her fault, Viv vowed to break her deal with Crowley. As long as she stayed with Bramble and Sawyer, she was placing them in harm's way. Prim, Sawyer, and Viv now had to find a way to release Viv from her soul contract. Viv's best friend Primrose was a known for her healing abilities. With a vast knowledge of herbs, Primrose occasionally delivered them to a witch-cat named Circe. Thinking Circe could save Viv's soul, they traveled down the river to her hut. After Viv explained herself, Circe told the group they were dealing with a crossroads demon. Circe told Viv all she could do was run, as Crowley would soon be coming to reap her soul.


After Sawyer, Honey, and Prim fell asleep, Circe spoke to Viv. She explained that there was no escaping her deal. Either Viv had to kill Crowley, or Crowley was going to drag her soul to hell. Crowley was fairly young for a demon, so he still remembered what it was like to be a living cat. This means he had retained some emotions, and would behave vengefully. Anyone Viv cared about was in danger of being murdered at the paws of Crowley. While Viv had an ambitious, distrusting, and cold nature, she valued family more than anything. To keep Honey safe, Viv begged Circe to kill her. Circe practiced witchcraft, but she was no killer. Circe refused to murder Viv, but after continuous pleading, Circe begrudgingly agreed. With Crowley tailing them, they had to go to the one place their scent would be concealed:the river. Circe tied rocks to Viv's feet, and Viv confirmed this is what she wanted. Viv waded into the water, and told Circe she was ready to die. Circe held Viv underwater, waiting for her to lose consciousness and sink beneath the waves. Before she could finished the job, Circe turned to see Crowley standing on the shoreline. Crowley had trailed the two cats long before they reached the river. Viv couldn't swim, so Circe held Viv's paw as she prepared for her impending death. Instead of reaping Viv's soul and fulfilling his deal, Crowley turned to Circe, ripping her throat out. He slashed the rocks from her feet, and carried Viv back to shore.


After Crowley murdered Circe, he turned his sights onto Bramble. Crowley loved Viv truly as his own daughter, and would rather die than see her dragged to hell. Viv had fallen in love with Bramble, and now Crowley had to throw her into the pit. Instead, Crowley decided he would trade Bramble's soul for Viv's. If Bramble had to die, Viv would no longer be able to break her deal. Viv had also came to the same realization. With time running out, Viv rushed to find Bramble before Crowley did. Viv found Bramble, and told him she could no longer love him. She warned Bramble about Crowley, but he wouldn't listen. He wanted to stay with Viv, and in a state of panic, viv slashed him across the face. The blow to the head shocked bramble, and he fell in the river. Viv left him, and set out after Crowley. While searching for the old tomcat, a storm had blew in. Lightning struck a tree, and before long, the entire forest was ablaze. Suffocated by smoke, viv crawled her way out of the woods and onto a stony ledge. It hung above the river, and the rocks were slippery, but it was safe from the fire. Before Viv could fathom an escape route, Crowley had climbed onto the ledge, carrying a stick with a burnt end. Crowley had spread the fire to draw her out. Crowley pleaded with her to come back with him. He promised to save her, as long as he could reap Bramble's soul instead. Crowley had set down his stick, and the rain had put out the fire. Cornered, viv leaped at Crowley, but the heavy tom pinned her to the rocks, begging again to save her. Thinking quickly, viv kicked at his belly, freeing one of her paws, and clawing his face. As Crowley whipped around, Viv grabbed the hardened stake with her teeth. She drove the branch straight through his neck, mortally wounding him. Crowley was enraged that after trying to save her, Viv had betrayed him. With his remaining strength he leaped at Viv, sending both cats off the cliff and into the river below.


While Viv was drowning, Primrose had healed Bramble's wounds. Even after Viv attacked him, Bramble dived into the water, dragging a half-conscious she-cat from beneath the waves. He had returned to save Viv from the river, just as he had months before. Viv woke up to Primrose pushing the water out of her chest. Viv would begin to heal, and eventually would give birth to Bramble's kits. She adventured with Honey and Sawyer, and visited Prim from time to time. However, she never really was free from the deal she had made all those years ago. All Crowley wanted was to be close to someone, to prove that other cats were no different than he was. In killing Crowley, Viv had granted his wish. Revenge had driven her to murder, and in the end, they were exactly the same.


[love-interest] Bramble is Viv's love interest, though she hates to admit it. They first met when Viv slipped and fell into the river Bramble lived by. Bramble heard the commotion, and due to his good-natured attitude, he saved her from drowning. Viv showed little gratitude for this, but she was secretly grateful. She had a passionate hate for bramble, as saving her made her feel vulnerable. Bramble tried to become friends with her, even crossing the river in hopes of meeting her. While Viv at first was distrustful of him, she tried to reciprocate his friendship, unaware he had feelings for her. Over time, they became close friends, meeting every night by crossing the river. Viv slowly comes to the realization that she loves him, which frightens her. She views love as a weakness that will only get in the way of her ambitions. Their relationship dynamic is that of best friends who later become lovers. Viv starts out as closed off, but Bramble's kind and caring personality cause her to change her beliefs about love.



[ best friend ] Primrose is Viv's childhood friend. They became friends because they lived near each other, and Prim helps Viv raise Honey. Since they have been lifelong friends, Viv and prim have a very high level of trust. They both go by "Viv" and "Prim" instead of Vivian and Primrose when they are conversating. Primrose has a huge heart and is very caring towards Viv. She's also very intelligent and inventive, which is why they get along so much. Prim can get past Viv's cold exterior due to them both valuing ambition. Vivian has the desire to  become powerful, and is willing to risk everything. Primrose is determined to become the best version of herself in order to help others. Whenever Viv goes too far, prim is the cat who will always be by her side to ground her. Primrose also has a vast knowledge of healing and plants, making her a valuable ally. Primrose is best described as a lovable mom friend who is always there for you.


[ younger brother] Honey's mom thought he would never survive into adulthood, so he was never given a name. Viv named him honey after his blonde-colored fur and sweet personality. One of the few cats Viv truly cares about. While Honey is often annoying and naive, he loves his big sister, which Viv appreciates. She promised herself she would keep him safe, and would risk her own life to protect him. Honey comes from Viv's mom's second litter, and was the only cat born. Viv was the only surviving cat out of her siblings, so because of this, her and Honey are very close.  He loves exploring which often gets him and Viv into trouble. Around Honey, she doesn't portray her cold demeanor, and is actually very kind. Whenever Viv is upset, and even if she tries to get rid of him, Honey will always comfort her. He also views Bramble as an older brother, as they get along very well.

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